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  1. Droopy Zero


    Thanks now I have something to work with. I'm going to try to learn as much as I can Before I even attempt anything. I don't plan on getting into the business for maybe another 4-6yrs. I'm going to college first.
  2. Droopy Zero


    Everyone has to start some where. I'm not worried about the feds. I'm doing nothing wrong. I've even considered maybe moving somewhere where it's legal like Vancouver or Amsterdam. I know that is I did move there that I wouldn't be able to start a shop, due to such high competition. With...
  3. Droopy Zero

    Where do you keep your weed?

    Pill Bottles
  4. Droopy Zero

    I read that your a head grower in a dispensary. I'm interested in doing the same. What education...

    I read that your a head grower in a dispensary. I'm interested in doing the same. What education is needed?
  5. Droopy Zero


    I want to be able to make a living off of growing. I'm willing to do pretty much whatever it takes. I know this may be a little off topic but my mother died not too long ago from pain medication over dose. I believe that medical marijuana could have kept her here on earth and it can save many...
  6. Droopy Zero


    So books about law and business?
  7. Droopy Zero


    Hello everyone I'm new here. And I was wondering what education would I need to open up a dispensary and grow. And also what kind of books can I buy that can help me learn about botany in general. I'm not sure how to even get started. I'd like something to help me get a good start before...