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  1. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    i know im new to this growing malarky and it was more of a experiment to see if i could do it but some of the comments are just a bit blah and not really constuctive tbf i dont really care how much i produce its for percy only anyways just wanted to put that out there anyhows i took the...
  2. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    hi guys been a while since i put up any pics im getting to the end (i think ) lol hope so anyways this sunday will be week 9of flower any comments that can help are appriciated thanks white rhino and the blue cheese thanks guys
  3. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    didnt have a poor germ rate with the seeds i had popped 4 out of 4 2 perished because didnt use a good enough soil but as soon as i did they took of
  4. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    well heres a update on where i am at again all questions and comments are welcomed had to move one of the plants to a different location because of room has excatly the same set up as before so now both have 140w on them this is the white rhino i do believe i have some pre flowers on this if...
  5. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    have put them into 12/12 light cycle mate and have added 3 more 28w 2700k lights so now have 140w on them i have had to put 2 underneath e plants pointing up so i can give the whole plant light because the leaves are starting to block it out a little
  6. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    hi guys just a update on where im at have just put my babies into flower last week so im hope to see some flowers soon any advice from what u can see in the pics is welcomed this is the white rhino it has really exploded with growth now :-o and this is my blue cheese this also has a lot of...
  7. johnnyboy1

    BF Blue Cheese & GH White Rhino grow

    congrates on the grow so far mate been following your grow for a while now because i am growing the same 2 strains will be good to compare the 2 grows this is only my second attempt at growing as well so trying to follow what people say as well check out my journal if you get a chance rep
  8. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    just a update as to where im at guys the white rhino has reaally taken of in the last 4 days gave her quarter strenth nutes 2 days ago the blue cheese i have not watered now for a few days just to let her dry out a bit any advice and comments are taken on board cheers.
  9. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    yeah the rhino hasnt had any nutes or anything just yet and is growing very quickly will add the bulbs asap cheers guys
  10. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    bulbs are 28w i will be adding more as i go along the cheese came from a hydro system so might have something to do with it
  11. johnnyboy1

    2nd attempt at growing after 1st went wrong

    hi guys would just like to get some feedback from yous lot on how u think my grow is going. After my last attempt the light fell from its fixing and burned the plant i was only into week 3 from seed so was a bit devastated :sad: have now fixed this problem and im starting over:clap: i...
  12. johnnyboy1

    first grow ever :0)

    I am using all 3 bulbs at the mo ie the 2 2700k as well as the 6500 k do u reckon I need anouthe 6500 as well ??? Cheers
  13. johnnyboy1

    first grow ever :0)

    hi all this is my first grow i stopped smoking about 5 year ago and have just started again this is the first time i have attemted to grow anything so any comments or help will be welcomed :lol::lol: i am only going to be growing 1 plant at a time for percy use my set up is 1x23w 6500cfl...
  14. johnnyboy1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    He scores when he wants He scores when he wants Pappis cissie he scores when he wants What a goal dgt fucking punched my light of the ceiling tho when it went in Wor lass not best pleased with me this morning like when she got up and seen her light fitting in the corner ov the room...
  15. johnnyboy1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    This is what i was thinking on doing m8 obs don't want to splash out on 2 hps if I can get away with vegging with cfls lol have 5 gem nirvana White rhino to start with will these be ok for a first attempt at a grow ?? Are they one ov the easier strains to go with ?
  16. johnnyboy1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers for that dst another reason I was asking is because I would eventually like to have 2 begging while 2 in flower if poss just don't want th in the same house lol
  17. johnnyboy1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hi guys first post on forum but read just about every page lol a cpl quick questions for u 1 I'm going to be growing 2 plants I have a 600 wt hps with ballast I know this is enough but what I would really like to know is for veg could I possibly get away with using a cfl or 2 and is a cfl...