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  1. T

    how many sudafed pills to make 1 g of meth?

    myyyyy preeeessssciiiouuuus.... fuck tweakers..
  2. T

    Why Is My Plant Doing This?

    if thats from seed, the first leaves ALWAYS die and fall off, nothing to worry about... top looks fine.. but as stated, dont water with nutes at that young of an age... they have shit stored in the seed for the initial growing spurt...
  3. T

    is the color of this ok?

    dont feed it nutes right now, it doesnt need it... and soil being "hot" has nothing to do with temperature, it has to do with the amount of nutrients in it... some soils are 'hot" meaning you fertilize them too soon, you will burn your plants due to nutrient overload...
  4. T

    need a little help please..

    oh, and thank you both...
  5. T

    bit of help please!

    if leaves inside the canopy are the same, then its not what i was refering to with spraying with water... if the light is too much, and you spray, the water will create a lense and burn the shit out of your plants... when you spray it with water, do you see webs over the sections? like super...
  6. T

    bit of help please!

    to me it looks like possible Blight, only other thing i could think of, would be Mites... you sprayin those plants with water under high wattage HID's?
  7. T

    went to germ a seed and...

    moist paper towels, with a regular cloth kitchen towel to hold moisture in, and put it on your stereo or some place warm.. to hold in moisture and heat even better, put a plate on top of the plate you are using to hold the towels, and it will hold in the moisture, just be carefull removing the...
  8. T

    need a little help please..

    ive got all that down, done this many times, just never with something that confused me like these 2 did (first time on a Hempy as well)... good thing is, i have more of these seeds, so, next time, i wont be confused, and will know a rough aproximate date to when to chop em, as i marked this...
  9. T

    need a little help please..

    ill let her go then, i was seriously contemplating chopping it down tonight as there is alot of cloudy trichs all over... but ill wait, one thing i have is patience...
  10. T

    need a little help please..

    Hi, i am new here obviously, but not new at growing anything.. but, i need some help.. i know how these forums work, as im am a member of some fishing ones, so, please dont tell me to go read the FAQ's as i have, multiple times, i just need some help here, as im confused this time around... so...