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  1. N

    When to Harvest? Pics included!

    youll find when someone has a good grow they tend to be full of themselves, i've only been growing for two seasons now but the one thing that seems familiar with this site besides its good information is alot of hot air comming out of these weed growers. you made it past the veg state without...
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    best way to get rid of spider mites?

    if he gets rid of the spider mites he wont be smoking them and if he stays organic and gives his plants a really good spraying with water he wont be inhaling chemicals.
  3. N

    Drowning spidermites?

    how about organocide? i think you can use that during the flowering stage and vegative
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    First sign of spider mites what do i use??

    neem oil and save organicide for the fungal problems. but organocide is fairly decent u could just use that and roll the dice. idk much about azamax
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    has anyone used organocide by organic labs ???

    it works great for the fungal aspect of the plant. but its not strong enough to keep away those spider mites the whole grow cycle, but then again im dumb to
  6. N

    Arizona Growers Thread

    as far as good clones go. az elevated has some alright ones. i just wish ANS was still open, so far they had the best clone selection by far. no bugs from either of those places. has anyone been to the new first legal dispensary in glendale? is it worth the trip from santan valley?
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    nirvana, soundgarden, alice in chains, tad.

    nirvana, soundgarden, alice in chains, tad.
  8. N

    Arizona Growers Thread

    what strain do u guys like the best for our weather out here in az? although indoors i guess it doesn't matter.
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    hard water aka well water for tea

    hp works great idk who wouldent use it. ed rosenthal says u can use it on a daily basis the mixture for store grade which is usually 3% 4% that area is 4 1/2 tabelspoons to a pint. just fill the rest of the way with water to make a pint. if you have a powerdy mildew or even mold hit it with that...
  10. N

    Tobacco Juice - Is it really organic?

    anything going into your lungs besides fresh 02 is bad for you. and thats not to say the air outside is even safe for you. it has toxins as well. as for the tobacco juice topic. try it on a few leaves and see what happens over a full week to it. If you can just avoid tobacco at all go with that...
  11. N

    tobacco juice for gnats?

    im trying the tobacco juice for spider mites right now. i hope it works out for you as well with ur fungus gnat problem. i live in arizona so its always a heat issue here somehow.. ugh
  12. N

    Whats the best product/incet to get rid of outdoor siper mites?

    the most organic way to get rid of them is the vacume cleaner. but ive been doing that for a couple weeks now and it doesnt seem to of made to big of a diffrence. im going to try that ciggerete idea overnight
  13. N

    Fuck pressure cooking and fuck shrooms!

    im still trying to figure out what u guys are talking about for this post lol pressure cookers and jars? moonshine? this blackberry kush makles me dumb i guess
  14. N

    Just checking, need expert opinions.

    im hoping these buds get way bigger because im running almost the same wattage. you also seem to have the same spacing between growing branches. i think they calls those nodes. what week into flowering are you? what seeds are you thinking of germinating? i just noticed ur comment on that. i...
  15. N

    Grow Video's

    if he uses a high pressure sodium system of any size the temp go waaaaay up. now he can get the bulbs as close as possible and just use a min. of fan circulation. the result = BIGGER yield but if you can keep your temps down to below 80 and above 70 go ahead for sure. alot more amps tho come...
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    sugar and yeast???

    i think this method if for people who are on a very small budget.
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    i just ordered that ph down product so ill tell you how it goes. and im using fox farm ocean forest btw... "ready to use right out of the bag and ph adjusted to mid 6" my ass...
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    Acidifying Soil Help With Purchase

    are you thinking of just dumping ph down right into the soil?
  19. N

    Plant ph problem

    i just read this thread and you only got a few people to answer you about how to adjust your soil ph lol. im hoping someone will give you good directions on how to use that sulfur, my ph is 7.0 as well...
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    soil acidifier

    i tried that and it stays at 7, i think his best bet is the soil acidifier. thats what i just ordered.