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  1. willmakebud

    Poor Mountain Kush needs some help. Sulfur def?

    The plants are side by side, so yeah.. would be weird if the problem with the kush was a light leak.
  2. willmakebud

    Poor Mountain Kush needs some help. Sulfur def?

    I will double check for light leaks, just in case. Here is some pics of my other plants.. Sour Jack (this is my best growing plant till now). Sour Jack. White Widow, top cola.
  3. willmakebud

    Poor Mountain Kush needs some help. Sulfur def?

    Wow, didn't see the replies until today. Thanks all! Medium: Canna Professional (didn't feed for the first 3 out of 4 weeks of veg). Switched to 12/12 on the 21th of october. First preflowers came about 5 days later. I have three other plants (white widow, lsd and sour jack) which are blooming...
  4. willmakebud

    Zeus's Take on Harvesting

    Found this by accident. Should be sticky! Thanks a lot! Rep!
  5. willmakebud

    Poor Mountain Kush needs some help. Sulfur def?

    Nobody? Well.. it might be light bleaching.. Figured a 600w hps (in cooled reflector) with a 9" distance might be a bit close.. At least I got to flush and repot to 5 gallon pots :)
  6. willmakebud

    Poor Mountain Kush needs some help. Sulfur def?

    Hi all! I'm having some problems with one of my plants. It's a Mountain Kush. 5 weeks into flower. The plant is, as far as I can tell, showing signs of Sulfur def. Leaves are yellowing from the middle-out. Some of the new leafs are also just one-fingered, or have one normal looking leaf...
  7. willmakebud

    What Def is this? Dry, yellow and brown spotting

    It looks like you're right. As stated earlier, I added calmag and nutes the day I saw the issue. It has not gotten any worse after that. Checked the roots again today, and it does not look rootbound. I'll keep checking the plants, and hope the nutes fixed the problem. Thanks for the replies guys!
  8. willmakebud

    What Def is this? Dry, yellow and brown spotting

    I took them out of their pots, and I can't say they look root bound.. Could it be something else? That would be very convenient. I've used 3 gallon pots before, but these are too tall for my grow-box. (29cm, the box is 90cm, and I also need space for the lamp). The 4,7L are perfect in size for...
  9. willmakebud

    What Def is this? Dry, yellow and brown spotting

    It's on the bottom leafs now. It can't really be burn.. I did not add any nutes until after this started.. and the plants have been perfect until now. It's the whole edge thing that makes me wonder if it's something besides mag. I have soft water here (EC0.1, 50PPM).. To prevent low ph, I...
  10. willmakebud

    What Def is this? Dry, yellow and brown spotting

    I've looked through the sticky posts, but can't really pin-point what my plants problem is. Mountain Kush and Dinafem White Widow from Seed. Week 4 Veg. Pots: 4,7L Soil: Canna Professional Run off PH 6.4 Light: 250W CFL Temp 22-24C (71-75F) RH: 50-65% Have not given any fertilizers until i...
  11. willmakebud

    Soil turns acidic, every time.

    Thanks a lot guys! I'll go and buy some lime right now, and start a new grow using it. If this works, growing will be a dream! ;) Peace!
  12. willmakebud

    Soil turns acidic, every time.

    Thanks for the reply man! I've been thinking of the dolomite lime thing, and yeah, I'll totally do that for my next grow (only a couple of weeks left for the current grow). The tap water here should not have chlorine in it, as they use UV-light and other methods for disinfection, but I guess...
  13. willmakebud

    Soil turns acidic, every time.

    Hi folks! I'm having problems with my soil.. I've done three grows now, and every time, the PH of the soil goes down to between 5.2 and 5.6. It seems to happen 3-4 weeks into flowering. The plants get PH-burned and eventually what I think is Potassium and Calsium def. The first two grows, I...
  14. willmakebud

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds Reviews

    Well.. add me to the list of people who got ripped off my AMS. First, it took 2 weeks with no action. I e-mailed them and they got back to me with a tracking number. The track said "Shipment prepared". Another 3 weeks, still the same track status. Another e-mail. Now they are saying the package...
  15. willmakebud

    8 Weeks of flowering. Spotting and curling leafs

    Thanks for replies! This is the closest I get with my crappy lens (no macro function).
  16. willmakebud

    8 Weeks of flowering. Spotting and curling leafs

    BUMP Nobody have any thoughts? What do you think about harvest time? To early?
  17. willmakebud

    8 Weeks of flowering. Spotting and curling leafs

    Hi all! I'm in the 8th week of flowering a plant from bag seed. It's a indica or indica/sativa strain.. don't know much more than that. It's been going all well, but little over a week ago the leafs (specially on top) are starting to get spottet and brittle. I flushed a little before that, so I...
  18. willmakebud

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds (AMS) Review

    9 days after they say they sent my seeds, and two e-mails, I finally got the tracking number. Status of shipment: Shipment prepared. Well.. looks like they haven't even sent it yet..
  19. willmakebud

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds (AMS) Review

    Well.. I ordered 20 seeds from AMS on May 21th. The order info page say they sent it on the 22nd. I have e-mailed them twice to get the promised tracking number (i paid extra to get this), but no response. Feeling pretty bad about the whole thing.. And I feel stupid after reading so many bad...
  20. willmakebud

    Dried out and brown/grey leaf tips. Grey-ish and purple leaves and stems.

    Thanks for the reply! I am really happy about the bushyness.. I've done no training/trimming.. :-o I've been waiting until the 2" top inches is dry before watering.. as Ed Rosenthal recommends in his book. But I'll try a bit more. Never got any signs of overwatering. Maybe I'm just too carefull...