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  1. EastVanAndDown

    BCNL Producer meets SCROG meets Grape Krush by DJ Short

    I own a Bloombox, but this is literally THE BEST grow I have ever seen done in a Producer. Great documentation as well, awesome 10/10 will read again.
  2. EastVanAndDown

    DWC Mother Plant nutrients

    I have checked out and am pretty framiliar with it. I am not looking to grow the plant huge but to slowly maintain the size and structure of the plant. I think possibly just growing it up to the size I want it and then backing off the nutes and let it maintain a very slow growth.
  3. EastVanAndDown

    DWC Mother Plant nutrients

    I am currently using General Hydroponics Flora Series nutrients. I have just purchased a 5 gallon DWC bucket and everything else the mother needs to grow. My question that I have is this: What nutrient ratio of Micro/Grow/Bloom nutrients should I use per gallon of water? Anyone out there with a...
  4. EastVanAndDown

    Is a drip feed necessary in a DWC grow?

    I totally agree, I bought it off craigslist for $1700 but I wouldn't pay a cent more. I have been doing mods on it as well which included a second air pump and different stones. If I had to spend the money again I wouldn't, for the cost I could have created a much better set up that was cleaner...
  5. EastVanAndDown

    Is a drip feed necessary in a DWC grow?

    Thanks a bunch! That was all I needed to hear to convince me, onto a new grow and a new strain! Maybe time to make a journal....
  6. EastVanAndDown

    Is a drip feed necessary in a DWC grow?

    Thanks for the input! I make sure to keep a close eye on my water level, hasn't been an issue yet but we will see what happens with my next one. The plants are in 3.5" baskets so they are a little smaller than yours is most likely. I am also worried about the Hydroton drying out if I...
  7. EastVanAndDown

    Is a drip feed necessary in a DWC grow?

    I own a BCNL Bloombox and have been thinking about eliminating the drip feed from the equation. There are 9 plants on the flower side in a 10 gallon reservoir. I seem to constantly be combating slime/root rot with Heisenburgs tea and closely monitored temps/PPM/Ph. I am trying to eliminate all...
  8. EastVanAndDown

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    I am currently starting my first micro grow using a 250W full spectrum CFL that puts out 15,000 lumens. I have one plant in a 15"x27"x3' dresser to start and will clone it very soon. My question is this; do i need more than one type of CFL bulb if i am using a full spectrum CFL? As in do i need...