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  1. G

    quick ?

    wow well ive tried to germinate and they are taking forever and i planted some with like not even a good tale sticking out of the end they still grew
  2. G

    quick ?

    when ur germinatiing is it better to set your sees in a warm dark place how warm or do they need to be in a warm light place
  3. G


    well i heard that if u mix extracts with the water in the last few weeks b4 harvest but they said to watch for mold but i dont think itll mold because extracts dont mold to easy but yea
  4. G

    is this bad

    and can i still germinate seeds for outside growth and how long do they usually take if theve bean around for quit awile like about a year in a half :leaf:
  5. G

    is this bad

    well what do u mean i planted to early or soon what is it good to plant early or bad and what if i start brinkging it in at night and having a heater running will that help at all
  6. G

    i think i have a problem

    thx for the help well ill upload some pics tomarrow and what all info do you need and i could be able to tell you
  7. G


    thx and anything on the flavoring thing do yu know and i appreciate the help
  8. G

    i think i have a problem

    ok so im growing outside and for the past month almoast ive bean growing outside and my plant is only grown about and inch and it gets about in the 50's and 60s at night is that bad and can i use any different berrie tees to get my weed to tast likethe teas i tried looking around on google but i...
  9. G

    is this bad

    well see i live with my gprnts and theyd freek if they found it and if i could figure out a light to lut in a desk lamp id be able yo grow and sence it is outdoor is it growing slow or fast in your opinions and are there berry mixtures i can make to flavor it like sprays or no jw
  10. G

    is this bad

    what do u mean bring it in and well can any1 help i really need it and i really apreciate it
  11. G

    is this bad

    its about 50 to 60 degreese farenhight how can i help that can i put it in my window seal and turn my heaters towards the window and open the window and just leave my plant in the window seal and the window seal is on the louth side of the house do u think itll get enouf light
  12. G

    is this bad

    ok ive bean growing my weed plant outdoor and its bean like three weeks and it is only about an inch high is that good or bad and is there anything i can use to boost up the sapling process and what are the light hours for all the stages can u tell me in order i appreciate the help
  13. G

    can u help me with teas

    ok so i got a compost teas on and ineed to know what kinds of fish i use that is fresh and can i spray barrie teas on it to change the taste
  14. G


    alright thx and um anything on the flavor thing and i use molases to and i use all organic and i use some high quality compost and i need to know what part of the fish i can use for my compost any help on that
  15. G


    what part of the fish can i use for my teas and can i flavor my weed with a berry taising teas please help
  16. G

    red tips

    ill post them as my profile pic and what are nutes
  17. G

    red tips

    ok so my seedling has red tips on it and it is just the beggining of my plant what does that mean its never happend to me be4
  18. G


    ok thx and one last ? how can i get my flavors does it mater about the seed and what can i use for sprays :leaf:
  19. G


    or insects my bad and what will happen if i just cut the flowers of and what if i just leave them on :leaf:
  20. G


    well lady bugs and what other animals can i introduce to it and is there anything i can do to increase the thc level as dirastically as i can because all i get around my area is shwag and whast is an imo :leaf: