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  1. F

    drying/curing question (first time grow)

    ok thanks for the tips. i have it drying in the garage in a box with big holes cut in it. no fans. only the outside is crispy not the inside, it is still moist on the inside.
  2. F

    drying/curing question (first time grow)

    i harvested my crop 24 hours ago and it says to hang it up for like 3 days to a week or until the outside is crispy before curing. well its only been 24 hours and its crispy on the outside and the stem just bends and does not break. should i start curing or wait a few more days. thanks in advance.
  3. F

    Ready to harvest?

    i think you are right about most people harvesting to early becuase they just dont know when its fully ripe. that is why i started this post. again, thanks everyone for all your help.
  4. F

    Ready to harvest? is this the one?
  5. F

    Ready to harvest?

    thanks for the help guys, i really appreciate your help. i am anxious to cut her down and smoke it and make some brownies or cookies but i just dont want to do it to early. also what should i be looking for when the "catalysts" or "resin glands" fill out?
  6. F

    Ready to harvest?

    there are very few white hairs left they are mostly amber/orange id say 60%. But i was reading and not all the hairs are receding back but some are. Not a very high-def camera but there are alot of trics but i dont have...
  7. F

    Ready to harvest?

    I am a first time grower and need a little help here. I think it has a few days to a week left before i should chop her down. I have been looking on here and all over the internet about best time to harvest and i believe i am right but please let me know. Sorry the pics are a little blurry. And...
  8. F

    Pest Problems

    i fixed the problem, turns out they were to close to the top of the soil.
  9. F

    Pest Problems

    nobody has any tips????
  10. F

    Pest Problems

    This is my first outdoor grow and im trying to stay as organic as possible. I went fishing and put the left over fish guts in with my plants. Now I got all kinds of flies and bees flying around my plants!!! What can i use to control this or with the flies not hurt my babies?
  11. F

    Does Hillary Clinton...

    If you want it legalized for for Ron Paul. He will legalize it. Look it up if you don't believe me.