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  1. R

    first grow. 7 day pics any thoughts?

    Here's at just before 5weeks. This one is 4ft. Which is good the packet did say 100cm maximum. Just thought I'd share :)
  2. R

    is this a bug?

    Well that's what we like to see haha
  3. R

    is this a bug?

    Lol yeah I didn't realise oops my bad haha thanks :d
  4. R

    is this a bug?

    Hi guys. My plants are coming along lovely. But I've just seen some like white stringy bits appearing on top of the coco. Anyone know what this is? Some of them look a bit hairy.Pic attached cherers
  5. R

    Do not take pictures with smart phones

    Ahhh well my location services is off anyway. But great info you learn something new everyday :d
  6. R

    Do not take pictures with smart phones

    I don't get this, but its safe to upload via your computer where you could possibly be able to track your ip? I upload via blackberry so are you saying I shoukd stop uploading?
  7. R

    150w hps flowering update

    looking good man them widows look nice!!!
  8. R

    first grow. 7 day pics any thoughts?

    Here's a snap at 18days sorry I kept the light on One had nute burn which I flushed and new growth seems healthy One seems a little onn the small side but other then that we look pretty good. :d
  9. R

    very sick yellow

    Just plain water on all of them? I flushed that one. Looks to be hjappier. New growth looks nice. Other 4 seem okay without a flush. Also hered a link to a cheap digi ph meter Would this do the trick or should I spend more? This just an example I can get it off ebay same price...
  10. R

    very sick yellow

    Coco! Growing autoflowering royal ak
  11. R

    very sick yellow

    Its a 10l pot. I had 15l of eater which was sitting for 24hours. Hope this is enough. I just flushed it water was yellow at first but finished of clear so fingers crossed she picks up over the next few days. And okay buds not taken on board about the watering!
  12. R

    very sick yellow

    I will get it flushed now. To be honest I think I will flush 3 of my plants.two seems fine. Then we have that one^^ one seems small for its age. One is real skinny with curly leaves. Maybe I shouldn't of give them nutes from day one. They won't drown if I flush them will they?
  13. R

    very sick yellow

    What do u reccomend I do until I get my pen? Feed it just water?flush it? Or just leave it be and see what happens?
  14. R

    very sick yellow

    I'm skint for two days then I will get one. You think this is my problem?
  15. R

    very sick yellow

    Its coco and I feed it canna coco ab was every other day but fed it daily the last two days
  16. R

    first grow. 7 day pics any thoughts?

    Royal ak automatic what u got?
  17. R

    very sick yellow

    Hi gUys my plant looks really sick yellow dots leaves look damaged any ideas I don't have a ph pen of yet I need advice
  18. R

    Northern Light Automatic

    Hey man looking good. Will be following and comparing to my plants which are15 days old!
  19. R

    coco and watering

    cheers guys! I've just put a pic of one of my plants in indoor growing if you would like to take a look at my plant see what u think
  20. R

    first grow. 7 day pics any thoughts?

    here we are fellers at two weeks old. 3 of them look like this. One is the same size but quite skinny n got a few leaves curling but seem to be getting better. And one is a slow mover still quite smallish Just a quick pic I think their looking fine :d By the way these are royal ak...