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  1. D


    haha. *highfive* I grew up in MA but moved to ME for slightly less stringent pot laws and cheap living options... would like to be able to go back to MA eventually, and this is certainly an encouragement. But with CO legalizing I'll probably just leapfrog over there...
  2. D

    What happens if Colorado and Washington legalize cannabis?

    I feel like we're all stunned in disbelief. This could be a huge turning point. Fuck prohibition. I mean it's already such big news, with CO and WA both passing it, but "this could be the start of somethin' big..." God damn, I'm celebrating.
  3. D

    Deal on hydrohut 2x4' tent

  4. D

    grow tents

    used 2x4 hydrohut for pretty cheap:
  5. D

    Deal on hydrohut 2x4' tent

    Very lightly used, still in perfect condition, going for way less than retail price... hope it's cool to post this here as I'm just tryin to help out fellow riu'ers:
  6. D

    PRO Third Lung

    + plastic that close to the heat, grosser.
  7. D

    What are your thoughts on alex jones ?

    bazing. Jones is off the hook. In a bad way. Meaning he's like a pinball machine screaming "TILT" in your face. Sure, it plays a good game when it's functioning, but Alex just keeps tilting the motherfucker over instead of showing his skills. What I mean is, I'm sure at least some of the stuff...
  8. D

    is weed a sexual enhancer?

    I'd say it depends on where your tolerance is at and how habitual a user you are, etc... I find that for those who only use it occasionally it is a strong aphrodisiac... but if you're a regular user and are adjusted to it, and find yoursef a bit over-saturated with THC at the time, it can numb...
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    *"'Too Earley'"*

    Mmm.... necrophilia.
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    edible kief

    This sounds like a sublingual tincture without the alcohol... I suspect that the alcohol vehicle helps to facilitate sublingual absorption, but that otherwise these methods are similar. Have you looked into sublingual tincture yet? I'd like to make a batch, but haven't gotten to it yet...
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    Maple leaf weed?

    LOL, flawless logic.
  12. D

    Dear Marijuana, I am dying. Please Help me!

    The concepts on food combining that you are discussing is a large part of healthy digestion in general and is referenced in a handful of sources, (several low fat raw vegan references, look up Doug Graham or 80/10/10) though it hasn't quite taken off as you said. This is because almost all...
  13. D

    Men, what do you use to wash your face?

    Thinking the same thing bro, haha. It's a pretty common misconception to treat the body this way, sadly. I'm always trying to encourage people to let their body do it's own thing though. I also use shampoo once a month maybe, max, and just wash my hair thoroughly with hot water and scrub my...
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    Men, what do you use to wash your face?

    Actually, RC7's got the healthiest method listed... go ahead and load your face with products, see where that gets you. I dare you to try the hot water scrub once a day or every other day as I mentioned... P.S. I've never had any acne problems with this method. I used to use facial cleansers...
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    Men, what do you use to wash your face?

    Also true--you can reduce the amount of oils and grease on the face just by eating better... and getting rid of that crap is basically a detox process which will not be aided by adding more crap ever. The only way to get rid of stuff is to let the body do it's thing to cleanse, and then rinse...
  16. D

    Men, what do you use to wash your face?

    Long and short of it is, your face's natural oils are there for a reason and if you don't strip them off in the first place you don't have to replace them with expensive products. Soap is unnecessary unless your face is REALLY dirty or greasy from a long period of not washing. If you can get...
  17. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    Puppet, but not a troll. Fine line.
  18. D

    Another Holy Shit Moment.

    You've already bagged the big buck. You don't need my little carbox.
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    What is your first name in real life?

    I didn't say this was my original account, dear.
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    Another Holy Shit Moment.

    WW I like you but to be honest at this point the shit you post makes you seem like a total fear monger. You should consider reading less of the news maybe...