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  1. dazed&confused

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hello club! how many 5gal dwc buckets can i utilize with two 2-400w lamps side by side???? thank you!
  2. dazed&confused

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hello new to DWC and would like to join!
  3. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hello hello! im in week six of flowering and growth seems to be slow still. will my plants get any bigger from this point on?
  4. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Ok sweet now whats the formula?
  5. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    its cool doobs! so im in week five of flower, when can i start to use the molasses?
  6. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    ok thanks I am confused though by what you meant by "Made friends and learned to grow"?? I am working on my next grow and just need some tips on how to get the really smell good bud you know? :bigjoint:
  7. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I gave up on it thanks though!
  8. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    hey doobieus! how do you obtain the sweet floral smelling buds
  9. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    3-4ft at veg state?? thanks mind
  10. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    OK silly question! i noticed everybody has a nice fancy avatar! But for some reason i cant get mine to work any tech support out there??? thanks guys!
  11. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    250 watt hps
  12. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Oh nice! so quick question! for a single potted plant, what would be largest i can grow, but still being capable of using all available light?
  13. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey mind! what is your projected yield for that nice looking plant?
  14. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thank you! i have been peeping around this forum for a while trying to look if my question had already been asked! yes i am in flowering! yea!!! day twenty seven my pot dimensions are eight by five inches! i had a few previous grows in the same size containers. i day a early variety and...
  15. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    right! but basically how can get the most out of my lamp?
  16. dazed&confused

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hi fellow 250 watters! I am running a 250 hps lamp in a 2x2 grow space. i have adequate ventilation and air circulation fans. i induced onset twenty seven days ago and my strains which are jack the ripper,r Hindu skunk and green crack. what kind of yield can i expect
  17. dazed&confused

    Plant yellowing in flower (w/pics)

    Your plants look fine! try a flush with diluted nutrient solution! and since you are still in early flowering, add Nitrogen to your feeding regiment bud growth needs nitrogen( a small amount) till they later phase of flowering. at that point continue using your super bloom food. and don't...
  18. dazed&confused

    pruning fan leaves. pics

    PHARMACIST!!!! did you burn them chemically or with your lights?
  19. dazed&confused

    pruning fan leaves. pics

    oh but like the others on top said remove the yellow leaves or let them fall off. the less you stress your plant the better and more potent bud you will yield.
  20. dazed&confused

    pruning fan leaves. pics

    I would not remove the fan leaves. the large fan leaves provide food for your buds. no photosynthesis no plant growth