Thanx for the replies. So I think I'm going to keep one for a mother and put 4 out and keep 4 inside. Thanx for the info guys. I'm goin tomorow to get the fox farm nutes. Should I put the ones outside in bags or put eem in the ground?
I recently have started a new project. I have a 8x9 spare bedroom. I could only afford 1 400 watt hps for right now. I have 9 pinapple express growing under it right now. They are about 21 to 24 inches tall. I'm scared to put them outside because they look so good. They are in 3 gallon buckets...
Go with 15.30.15. If your using miracle grow sol it already has a lot of nitrogen. From experience I've used that24.8.16 and miracle grow soil and got dark purple stems.I then started hittin it wit 15.30.15 and they took right off with a nice green. Since then I've 86ed all miracle grow and now...