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    What Do You Think About The New Beat?

    i appreciate all forms of hip hop, dont really dig the hole bitchs and cars scene but i guess some fuckin twisted shiit comes off my tongue in cyphers haha
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    What Do You Think About The New Beat?

    hahaha true, dope
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    need some helppp

    this is the one thats starting to flower, sorry bout the quality, cant see shitt in it
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    need some helppp

    as you can see its lookin alot better
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    need some helppp

    ahhk, i let em dry out overnight, and up untill this evening before i watered them, will it fuck em up putting them back under lights?
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    need some helppp

    true, wouldnt that just drown the roots though? and the fans seem like their doinng plenty enough for it, dont think its them. if its the rh, how to i control it?
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    need some helppp

    and their autoflowers too, i heard that ruderalis are nearly impossible to fuck up! some how, ive manage that haha
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    need some helppp

    true, yer nah the 5th picture is of it outside the box in the sunlight, the leaves were lookin horrid when they were in the box, looked like a diseased lump of shit haha, i doubt the temperatures too high though, always stays low, and whats rh?
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    need some helppp

    alright, my grow was going slow, leaves were gettin brown spots, shit was just goin straight up bad haha, so i moved them out of my grow box and moved them around the house to windows geting the most amount of sun at the time, and for only 2 days it has made a massive improvement, so i was...
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    brown spots, need help!

    i meant 'your average' potting mix you find at grocery stores*
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    brown spots, need help!

    word, so i need to re-pot it in new organic soil, pinch of epson salt in water and keep soil moisterrr, cheers for the help people, ill let you's know how things are going, peace!
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    brown spots, need help!

    yer the pale streaks are gone now, was the slightest bit too close to the light, so thats fixed. so yous think it could be the soil? yer i water like twice a day, maybe even an extra squirt if it needs it, also is there a reason for it growing so slow? haha
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    brown spots, need help!

    come on cunts 51 views only 1 reply, haha im stressin
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    brown spots, need help!

    true? its a combination of seed raising mix, your average garden soil, perlite and lime
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    brown spots, need help!

    im about 3 weeks into veg, and these brown spots started to appear on leaves, also some leaves are looking pale through the middle slowly spreading more out towards the edges,im using 3 150 wat cfls pretty sure 4500k, note. ive also got 2 more plants, 3 120mm fans, 1 intake, 2 exhaust, no nutes...
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    need helpp

    also, is it okay to use a 4000k 150w cfl with a 125w 2700k for veg?
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    need helpp

    updated*, this ones going strong now, had to get rid of the other one, was way to fucked, but ive got some more germinating now
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    need helpp

    i came here lookin for help bro, not people tryina to look like sickcunts
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    need helpp

    ive just used a mix between dolomite and garden lime for alkalinity to raise ph
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    need helpp

    and just sorted soils ph so hopefully we see some improvement, cheers for the help!