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  1. G

    Check this monster out

    She's looking pretty nice there man. WTG!
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    First Grow w/ pictures.....Opinions on setup

    Hey Melthius, is this your only seedling? If so then you may want to consider planting a couple more to improve the chances of having a female. It would be a shame to spend all that time/money and not get any buds from it. Peace. GT.
  3. G

    1st timer, With light problem

    HTG also has an ebay you could create/use a paypal account instead if you wanted to....
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    Morally Wrong?

    Her morals....not yours bro. Keep up with the luvin...
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    24/7 light on veg stage

    The only real argument I've read for not vegging 24/7 is to save on money. I'm not sure how much much of a difference you would see though vegging say 18-6 vs 24-0. Good luck!
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    Newbie w/ newbies and have questions

    Good call as for checking the heat with your hand. Your 400 watt MH is going to produce more heat than a floro tube though, what do you have for exhaust? Also, if you haven't already done so I'd put a small oscillating fan on those babies to reduce the overall temps and thicken up the stems a bit.
  7. G

    What is the most weed tolerant place to live?

    eah Florida where i live is brutal, I am gonna buy an island and shape it to look like a cannabis leave:smile: ....I've had a whacked out idea for years of building an island out of recycled floatable type things. Basically lashing floats your boat together. Piling a...
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    Attic or Basement

    Well, either way BLEACH will take care of the mold for sure. I just put 50/50 water to bleach in a spray bottle went to town on everything and then washed everything down with a rag mold simply dissapears. Either way you can use it in the basement or attic! Great idea stang! Yeah, I guess I'm...
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    Attic or Basement

    I went down to the basement to measure....inspect....and plan and wow, it is really very VERY wet and moldy down there and I am doubting my ability to get it all clean and relatively sterile The more I think about it the more I am starting to lean towards the attic. I saw a 12,000 btu...
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    Buying New Lights..

    Do a lot of you guys use digital ballasts these day? They seem to be a good option for noise (stealth) and longevity.
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    Buying New Lights..

    I am interested in finding a decent but reasonably priced system. The best I've found so far are from (not advertising them, just want to compare with what you guys use). Anyway, the price and setup that you initially posted looks similar to the price/lineup that they carry...
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    Giving Rep

    Cool, thanks!!! Right in front of my nose of course :)
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    Giving Rep

    Hi all, I've heard reference to 'rep' but am a bit confused by it. How does this work and how do I give it to someone? I've gotten some great feedback from folks so far and I'd love to be able to rep people back if this is at all useful or beneficial. I looked for detailed information on...
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    Bagseed, 3 and 5 weeks old.

    Umm was going to congratulate you on such fine looking plants. Guess I'm too late :(
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    Leaving for 6 days. Help!

    I haven't grown in 12 year+ years. I just joined this site because I am in the planning stage of my new setup. However, I used to use vermiculite as it holds water which it will release over time. The details are lost in my fuzzy memory however and I am wondering if any of the more...
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    7 Wks Into Flower...

    Great grow! Thanks for sharing...
  17. G

    Grow Room Questions

    Hey, great info Adam. Guess I'll try to keep any venting straight...pretty harsh reductions but can't really fight physics.
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    Attic or Basement

    Hey Adamizer, yeah you do bring up some good points. And either space could be quite usable with a little tlc. Guess TLC=THC. Heh, anyways I really don't want to end up with much more herb than I can use. I'm growing for head stash for myself, my wife and maybe my father in law. Kinda scared...
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    Attic or Basement

    First off, I want to apologize....I ended up creating several threads pertaining to my grow setup instead of keeping it all in this one. I'm not trying to make folks work harder to follow my threads.....for some reason I thought that would be easier to follow breaking down the different issues...
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    Hi Erndog98, welcome. I'm pretty new here as well, so far folks have been very friendly and helpful. This seems to be a nice place to be.