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  1. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    Bump, any thoughts on these new cuttings or the pics of the sick clone on the previous page?
  2. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    I wasn't planning on another repot unless I had to to change the soil mix again (which I didn't really want to do again), it still hasn't been watered since the last transplant 4 days ago and the top still feels moist and my (crappy) moisture probe still goes off the wet scale when inserted into...
  3. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    Pics taken just now in day 6, its now had 6 nights of darkness and hasn't grown any taller at all, I would have thought it would have shot up having previously had 24/0 light, sunted growth due to the issues??? You can see on one of the tips of newer top growth, that it has turned brown a...
  4. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    The tips of new growth have brown tips, these were forming when originally put inflows though and have grown out since, so they may ha been affected by best stress when they were tiny and growin out the main stem, that chart doesn't show things like heat stress on the leaves as I've checked a...
  5. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    I tried to flush after 1st transplant into John innes but it failed to drain 1/2 gl so I changed the kid which drained a bit better but didn't do a full flush with second soil mix, this innes stuff does seem to drain very slowly which is why I've binned most of it and won't use it on other up...
  6. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    Bump, still have these issues, anyone else care to chip in, especially of you've had similar clone issues
  7. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    Yeah I'm careful when watering, I use both the top inch + that moisture probe as an indicator, as well as the weight of the pot, as said I have just harvested its mother so I do have 1 sucessful grow under my belt and am about to harvest a bagseed (pictured next to the clone in some pics) soon...
  8. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    The current mix is 33% grow bag soil, 33% John innes, 33% perlite, I used the grow bag soil on the clones mother when that was repotted ready for flowering and flushed that medium many times without problems, I would have just used more grow bag soil but that 33% was the last of it, this mix did...
  9. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    It is making new shoots and these seem to be in a better situation, although I'm sure I did see a little spot on one of them, I will get some close ups of the shoots when the lights come on in an hour of so and will also see how they have developed overnight. I wasn't planning on giving them any...
  10. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    I do have a further 2 pure kush clones readying themselves to go In Flower within the next week - 10 days so I could try that on the up coming clones, any thoughts on the patient above tho, anything that can remedy heat stress if that's what it was, other than the obvious of reducing the heat...
  11. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    Any other thoughts / idea's, are those additional pics above of any use to try and define what the issue is?
  12. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    when I put it in flower 3 days ago, I also repotted that same day from John Innes no.1 seedling & cutting soil to John Innes no.2 with 30% perlite, I didn't like how they looked on day 2 as thats when I noticed the spotting / crisping so repotted with 33% grow bag mix (all that was left in the...
  13. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    No other soil available at the moment, just more innes and that's a no-no for me now, it would also make it 3 transplants in 4 days, talk about stressful, do you think it might just be heat stress as this innes is a proper potting on soil, or maybe even a lack of certain vegging nutes as it was...
  14. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    Still very wet, that John innes retains it a little too well, almost sets like sand which is why I removed so much of it and don't think I'll use it on my other up coming clones. I have one I those probe ph/moisture sticks, I know they aren't great and do have a proper digi ph pen as well, but...
  15. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    When I first thought it was nute burn after the first transplant in the mainly John innes stuff, I tried to flush and with just 1/2gl, it took over 1/2 hour to drain, which is why I repotted again with the grow bag mix, it now drains a bit faster but along with the soak it got during the...
  16. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    I dont really have a light that would fill such a wide gap from going flouro to hps, do you think switching to the new light intensity and heat could have been the issue? If you need more pics, they can be supplied as I really want to resolve this ASAP if possible. Thanks for the reply as...
  17. Pimpinator

    First ever clone put in flower, issues within 48 hours please help

    Hello RIU, this is my first post as I'm more a lurker and try to rsolve any issues I have myself with research and similar threads but I'm drawing a bit of a blank with my current issue. I have just harvested my first grow in 5 years (only my 3rd ever grow) where I have managed to get 2oz from...
  18. Pimpinator

    Late Hermie

    I was thinking of applying the second dosage using cotton tip buds or something along those lines to try and avoid spraying areas like crystalling bud sites and apply directly to the fan leaves areas only, do you think that is a good idea when 1/2 way through flowering, or should I jut squirt...
  19. Pimpinator

    5- 6 weeks into flower and going hermie

    How is the reverse working out for you, I have a similar prob at around the same timescale, currently in between the 1st/2nd application at week 4-5 flower and plant is now showing good crystals, but was concerned about spraying the nice ongoing crystal coverage
  20. Pimpinator

    Late Hermie

    Hi, I'm a new member and quite a new grower, I have a hermie which showed balls in week 2-3 of flower, only on smaller branches, so far I have inspected daily and nip off any I find, after the initial bulk clearance, only a few are now appearing, I bought the reverse and saturator and applied in...