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  1. S

    Fermenting in grow room

    Im thinking about making my own wine first with store bought juice then eventually growing grapes and doing it right if i put the tanks that are fermenting in with my grow the wine would give of co2 and in turn feed the plants. Does anyone see any disadvantage to doing that?
  2. S

    i need to vent. cuz this shit is bullshit.

    I wasnt talking about it happening over night im 26 and wont see a dime of what i pay in every month to social security and would much rather use that money to pay extra on my house than to have some corrupt politician piss it away. If you paid in you should get a refund and the program should...
  3. S

    i need to vent. cuz this shit is bullshit.

    Im only talking about cutting out social security for people under a certain age same with other entitlements like medicare. I will never see the money i pay in every month. For anyone to think our government could be trusted with our future savings is crazy they are controlled by banks and...
  4. S

    i need to vent. cuz this shit is bullshit.

    No welfare, no foodstamps and no social security, let the old die or be taking care of by family, let the young starve or get a job and contribute to society. To many people scared to make it on their own when you allow the government to support you then you have no right to bitch about them...
  5. S

    How to post pics safely on the internet?

    So the title pretty much says it all ive got some plant problems would like to post pics but i will be using my phone to do it, is there a way to post pics safely?