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  1. uprisingweed

    Moving from indoor to outdoors

    would it kill it if they where just put out there and planted
  2. uprisingweed

    Moving from indoor to outdoors

    k i have 3 nice plants going and i want to move them out side would they be ok to just move and replant them into the ground out side i need to no asap cause i am doing this today real soon
  3. uprisingweed

    shit my plant is hurt

    the top of my plant where it grows the stem/stock has been atein or broke some how will it still grow or will it not grow any bigger
  4. uprisingweed

    are these plants doing ok not sure if male or female ?

    these plants have been growing for severel months now and they still have no signs if they are malr or female
  5. uprisingweed

    can some one help

    can any one help me i would like to build my own hydroponic system but i dont know wat to get and how to set it up so please help thank and toke toke it up man and or woman.
  6. uprisingweed

    leafs starting to pray

    ya i am interrested on that light kit how much for it
  7. uprisingweed

    leafs starting to pray

    ya i am interested how much for it
  8. uprisingweed

    leafs starting to pray

    the leafs are starting to point up instead of laying open
  9. uprisingweed

    leafs starting to pray

    k i got 3 nice big plants and above them each has one 54 wat light that is about two feet away or maybe a little closer and they are starting to pray how can i fix this . and do you no where i can get nice mh hps and clf lights with high wattage for cheap and the stuff to plug it in
  10. uprisingweed

    dang snaped off a few branches advice please

    i just had a light fall on a plant and broke a few stems/leafs off and on the tip of the plant one side of new baby leafs to wat to do help please:cry:
  11. uprisingweed

    plant getting to big for space can i clip and clone the top or half of my buddie

    go to the thing we are at go to the bottom of the page and look for the word that says new thread or just thread or something like that and click and there you go
  12. uprisingweed

    plant getting to big for space can i clip and clone the top or half of my buddie

    k so do i just squeeze the stem alittle than bend it and will it stay or do i need to tie her like that
  13. uprisingweed

    plant getting to big for space can i clip and clone the top or half of my buddie

    k i got a plant that is to big for the space i have them no room anywhere else to put her can i clip the top of her or cut her in half and than have both start growing again or will that kill her let me no please. the things i have just said are all lies i tell you i do not grow or smoke pot.
  14. uprisingweed

    Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil

    i have miracle grow moisture and it works fine with mine it says not to use firtiler or none of that for 3 6 or 9 months i belive