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  1. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Some more tombstone into jars this morning Nice easy trim on these gals. This one has a real nice classic of smell.
  2. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I bought a house with mine. Best decision I ever made. I would have just ended up pissing up the wall on shit otherwise and now I live rent free. What a wonderful life it is
  3. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I used bitcoin. I'm always using bitcoin for loads of other things so it's a breeze to me
  4. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Honestly havnt ordered any in such a long time until now but always had 100% in the past
  5. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I grabbed 2 more packs of tombstone. Definitely going to f2 this one and I wouldn't mind hunting my cali cannon f2s and doing a cross with that as well.
  6. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I used to get legitimate skunk no1 back in the 90s and it was a beautiful sativa dominant smoke. To my memory was some of the most enjoyable.i ever smoked. Real dreamstate kind of high. I was young though with little tolerance. Not sure how it would hold up against today's weed. Sadly nobody...
  7. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Fucking bank isn't letting me buy bitcoin for some reason ‍
  8. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks ima get on that
  9. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I don't even think it's potency that has impressed this guy in particular. I think California cannon was stronger than tombstone. But damn I cant stress enough how good smell and taste are on tombstone. I resemble this comment
  10. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    When all this corona bollocks blows over the government will be in a lot of debt and lookimg for a quick cash supply. What do we all do in times of need. That's right we sell weed. Won't be long until they make it legal for that sweet sweet weed tax money. Scomo will never do it because...
  11. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    The tombstone is getting killer reviews. This bloke knows pretty much everyone there is to know around here as well so I take his review as pretty reliable.
  12. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Depends on the country of origin but there is big delays. I just got an order that was about a month late. To top that off my mates a star trak driver and he says all the postal offices are swamped and not keeping up. Big delays even on domestic. Even express is delayed. Too many people at...
  13. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Once a dealer in any area gets big enough eventually they end up with that pgr shit. Unfortunately those producers are the only ones who can keep up with demand. I usually end up moving my shit to the dealers who buy it for perso and they sell that pgr shit to their customers lol
  14. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    This one is taking it's sweet arse time but boy oh boy does it smell nice. I'm hoping it's packing more of a sativa hit than the others Like sour lemon and eucalyptus
  15. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I don't worry about a super neat trim or stem really. I mean I remove most of the stem but if its a really nice big top knot I won't break it up for visual appeal. My bags are usually over and around my Parts anything that isn't pgr shit is considered top shelf. My mate moves heaps of that pgr...
  16. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    It's greenpoint seeds.
  17. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    An ounce of tombstone next to an ounce of my mates pgr Asian bud. There is no comparison in smell.
  18. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Correct on the stretch and trim. And as you can see from the sister they are some seriously frosty nugs. Smell is amazing. Tombstone is a killer strain if you don't mind stretch and have the patience to pick some balls off in early flower
  19. 2easy

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Just a little bit of tombstone.
  20. 2easy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yesterday Today lol And her sister