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  1. bluelightbud420

    Bringing an Out door plant in..???

    I have this plant that I started (indoors)in early January of this year, when it was about 4-5 months old i moved it outside because it got too big for my set up. The plan was to let this plant veg. for as long as possible, well now its october and too cold for the plant to be outside. I'm Just...
  2. bluelightbud420

    Dark period before hanging?

    How long sholud i leave my plants in the dark before i hang them? they heve been in the dark for almost 48 hours and seem to have really plumped up.
  3. bluelightbud420


    I think topping increaces your yield
  4. bluelightbud420

    Will someone in this forum PLEASE help me?

    THE PLANTS ARE STILL ALIVE!!! I didnt really have the guts to cut em....but i really wat to, I'll give it another week.
  5. bluelightbud420

    Will someone in this forum PLEASE help me?

    i don't have a scope but it think theyve been flowering for 7 to 8 weeks and its a indica dominate plant
  6. bluelightbud420

    What is a good humidity levle for hanging my buds?

    No one will tell me if my buds are done so I'm just gunna hang em. Sooooo what is a good RH and Temp?
  7. bluelightbud420

    Will someone in this forum PLEASE help me?

    I posted about this in the general marijuana growing forum and only one person responded and they didn't give me a yes or no answer, these are pic of one of my two plants that looks to ba a little more done than the other one. and I just want to know if they're ready? This is my first grow and i...
  8. bluelightbud420


    yea you did because that deffinatly means i have a Indica doninate plant and ...It really is finally done!!!! YAY!!!
  9. bluelightbud420


    I really need someone with expieriance in growing to point me in the right direction!!!
  10. bluelightbud420

    will i have alot of bud it i flower a pure indica with 3 20 watt CFL lights?

    Get some Y sockets at your local hardware store they're like $3 and you can double your lights, and also get a 26 or 42 watt cfls.
  11. bluelightbud420


    THIS IS MY FIRST GROW AND I DON"T WANT TO FUCK IT UP!!!! I have these two plants, All CFL Grow, the pictures are of the one on the left (it looks alot more done). They have been flowering for at least 6-8 weeks (don't know why i don't have an exact date) but i reallt think they're done but i...
  12. bluelightbud420

    Weed ashes in growing soil

    :joint:I have about an ounce of strictly marijuana ashes and i was wondering if it would help or hurt the plants if I mixed it in the growing soil????:-?:joint:
  13. bluelightbud420

    What did I Do???

    ok I'll turn em back on thanks!
  14. bluelightbud420

    What did I Do???

    my plants are almost done flowering probably less than 2 weeks to go, so they are on 12/12... well last night i forgot to turn off 2 the 8 lights so they were in 24 hours of light. now i have them turned off right now but this is when they sould be in the light..... Is this bad? How can I fix...
  15. bluelightbud420

    Red LED lights for flowering...Yes or No?

    Are those red LED lights really good for flowering plants or are they pointless?
  16. bluelightbud420

    How much Longer do i gotta wait?!?!?!?

    :joint:Im not exactly sure how far along these plants are all I know is I started from seed in january and they are in week 5 or 6 of flowering....I know they're a little streched but it's my first grow, So How Are They?:joint:
  17. bluelightbud420

    Did I kill one of my plants?

    no this happened with one of my plants, it was very small and my cat knoked it over so i burried it a little deeper and now its in its 4th week of flowering and its my best plant!
  18. bluelightbud420


    why are all of the leaf stems on both of my plants turing red they are in ther 4th week of flowering???
  19. bluelightbud420

    humidity and temp during flowering

    What should the temperature and humidity be at during flowering?