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  1. Saudiarabia668

    Bag o' Schwag, first grow, closet CFL setup know....usually cfl's dont give off much heat.....and thers no way of putting the ballast out of the grow box.....unless u have an extra cause the ballast is built into cfl's....thats why there called "compact" flouresants (no need for ballast)
  2. Saudiarabia668

    got seeds but i need some help to spend??? hps. hands down
  3. Saudiarabia668

    Welcome New Members!

    if thats florescent u need to bring it a lot closer.....4-6 inches
  4. Saudiarabia668

    This Disgusts me

    YouTube - Current TV Bashes "Anti-Drug" Propaganda Campaign IF YOU HATE THE ABOVE THE INFLUENCE COMMERCIALS....GET READY TO LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!!!!
  5. Saudiarabia668

    Welcome New Members!

    what do the little "nodes" look like???? this could be a sign that it is a male if they look like little balls near the stem.
  6. Saudiarabia668

    Welcome New Members!

    To strengthen the stems you should have a fan or a semi-strong air circulation pointed at the plants.
  7. Saudiarabia668

    Welcome New Members!

    VictorVIcious "Hey Saudi, welcome. No, you can't grow a Mrijuana plant with anincandesecnt light. I know, you are doing it now, right? No, what is happening is the nutrition stored in the seed is growing the plant and when its will want to check out lighting before giving advice."...
  8. Saudiarabia668

    Welcome New Members!

    how far is the light and what kind are you using???
  9. Saudiarabia668

    Welcome New Members!

    :blsmoke: hey matt here i got 3 seedlings growing and they seem to be doing fine....i have a incandesent light bulb in a metal seems kinda hot but im keeping them about a foot away.....the box sais it gives out 2800 lumens that should be enough for seedlings right