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  1. F

    1.5 months flowering, how much longer do you think?

    Looking mighty good my man how'd she turn out? I'm assuming you cutt that slut or should be real real soon! Nice job man the bag seed express wins again.
  2. F


    Dude, stealth is not as stealth as it seems unless you are 100% vomited to hide everything as said before. Soil, nutes, equipment like wires filter tools electrical fans timers I'm growing in a closet in spare bedroom. What started out as small has taken over a quarter of the room. You will or...
  3. F

    1.5 months flowering, how much longer do you think?

    I'm with Tom , tric's still need to recede and turn and glands will still swell nice and fat with resin. Get yourself a lt mini microscope and wait until you have mostly cloudy trichomes. And don't wait long after that I did on my last grow. It went from huge swollen tight buds to a lot of...
  4. F

    Question on security

    yeh I know shit happens and sorry you and yer lady didn't make it. On the positive side ya get some strange lol..
  5. F

    Question on security

    Oh yeah as far as the ladies been married/ together with the wife 14 years
  6. F

    Question on security

    Very good point my micro Cartel sized grow won't get much attention but also have tent not running now but I'm a pretty private person and like to keep it that way! I'm in my 40's now so don't have friends really anymor. But takin screen sits and all that il just upload as normal thanks for the...
  7. F

    Question on security

    Just got my micro cab back up and running. Been a while and do not remember how to post pics without leaving any traceable evidence. I know big brother could put a recording studio in my house without knowing but want to try to be as stealth as possible. Thanks for the info!
  8. F

    Cab almost complete. Got a few questions

    Nice and clean ! Maple? Kreg jigs, trim and stain.......holy shit nice work Bob motha F'n Villa. Good looking assortment of seeds. Well done do it right the first time and relax.Sub'd for sure you put my construction skills to shame.
  9. F

    New grow box build. With pics.

    Yo Az. Nice clean looking setup! Looks like you thought it out before half assign it! So this is in your garage or under stairs? loud are those microwave exaust fans? Quieter than when in microwave? Never seen this before great idea.
  10. F

    Emerald triangle? Full blown male

    Freebie grapefruit krush male also totally bummed great lookin and growing plant. Saved some pollen going to cross it with g13 pineapple express,well see what happens. You think the tide would replace said male seeds?