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  1. M

    Small spots on leaves

    These spots started to grow almost three weeks ago, but in very little amount. Because of that I was not very worried, but now it starts to increase on all the plants. In my opinion still not very bad but something must be wrong. Some leaves also show some very small wholes. Is this a bug or...
  2. M

    Royal AK Automatic & Northern Light Automatic (Royal Queen seeds) GROW JOURNAL

    UPDATE after four weeks. As you all can see the boots started to grow a couple of days ago. The smalles plant in the left back corner is the Northern Light(22 days), the other four the AK47s(30 days). The pictures of the Northern Light are the last ones before the overal pic with the lights...
  3. M

    Royal AK Automatic & Northern Light Automatic (Royal Queen seeds) GROW JOURNAL

    As a newbie on the forum I will introduce myself with my grow journal (first grow). I am growing 4 Royal Ak Automatics & one Northern light automatic, both from Royal Queen seeds. Here my set-up: My light source is a 600 wat HPS SYLVANIA, at the moment only on half power (300watts). Balast...