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  1. F

    Watering Rockwool Seedlings and Clones

    :wall: i have been doing it wrong the whole time thank you
  2. F

    something is not right-with my think different

    123456789101112131415there bedroom they where born jan3 2013 think different -ppm at 800 temp 73-82 rh 27-35 advenced nutrients gmb cal-meg b-52 senezim voodo h-2 f-1 all per-lite with a hand full vermic. feed once a day until run off 20\4 under a 600 hps with 100 watt warm cfl as personal...
  3. F

    Will this work?

    can someone tell me how to setup a continuous grow .....and if i can veg in a home made over sized ez clone machine with six inch net pots i plan to put in a dwc along with hydrogen to bloom...and no i didnt decided to be a baron while high ......i was drunk too
  4. F

    Will this work?

    can someone tell me how to setup a continuous grow .....and if i can veg in a home made over sized ez clone machine with six inch net pots i plan to put in a dwc along with hydrogen to bloom...and no i didnt decided to be a baron while high ......i was drunk too
  5. F

    Welcome New Members!

    just want to say what up .....and thank you for having me..bongsmilie