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  1. D

    bodhi seeds

    From what I can gather Bodhi's Appalachia cut (His personal cut from H&L's) was entered as Bay 11 and won the cup but was not used in makeup of the Bay 11 that is being sold essentially Ken is selling seeds of a cross that did not even win the cup. "only 2 humans have my appy...
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Your the bomb Hovering, every strain you grow is just awesome.......I'm looking forward to your upcoming reports, cant wait to get the full scoop on your SpaceDawg. If I knew you I'd get you one of those "I Piss Excellence" T-shirts fo sho
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    The Weed Nerd~

    I Veg with 3.4 gallon Air Pots which are 10" wide and 11" tall but the bottoms are adjustable so I place it about 7" from the top, I figure i have a good 2 gallons of soil in for veg. I transplant to 7 gallon smarts for flower which are 11" tall so i get about 4" of SS in the bottom and 2"...
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    D Train IBL (white domina x qrazy train) supersoil, mainlined, *blumats coming soon*

    Oriah.....I had the same issue with my tap was at 8.2, bought a sediment filter at HD for $39 hooked it up in the basement before my outside spigot and now got 6.8 all day. Sub just did the same thing when he moved and worked great for him too. Give that a try
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    "Project X is a cross I did using the same male as the rest of the SCK line, but I'm not going to divulge the mother lineage or name. I am offering it to our vendors (online and dispensary) in the hopes of promoting the rest of the SCK line. I'm still working out the details, but what I'm...
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Thanks brotha....Def drop us a line here when you know the date and time looking forward to them. You ready to give up the Mama of Project X yet??? :grin:
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Anyone got a date and time the Alphakronik Sin City Kush 2 and Dawgfather are dropping at Tude? They have them listed now but haven't heard when the actual drop is.....
  8. D

    bodhi seeds

    It's listed on page 29 of this thread
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    Nugbuckets Lab

    Nugs couple questions about the above post brother..... 1. I know you are x'ing out the Humic acid from above but KK uses Azomite in his tea will you be adding this instead? 2. Would you consider this an all around good tea to use in veg and flower as a boost of goodness or is this something...
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Ha sorry bro im an idiot :bigjoint: Just re-read what he it "does anybody mind me showing...and giving a smoke report" sorry I'm super baked reading shit backwards
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Didn't think I was laying into him, he asked about posting a smoke report in the SCT. I was just pointing him in the right direction so I don't have to read people chewing him out for the next 4 pages again, actually thought I was helping. Sorry I'll go back to lurking in silence agin
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Do your report in the correct thread (smoke reports) and add a link in your sig....if people are interested its in the right place :smile:. Got some inside info on a bodhi seed drop stick it here
  13. D

    Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

    How about a free pack of the Bay Dream before its debut release :hump:......I'd love to see a thread by Hovering on that...Sounds sick and Hovering's reports are the bomb yo
  14. D

    The Weed Nerd~

    I think all 14 of his posts are the same question, people keep on giving him advise and he keeps on posting it.....
  15. D

    D.I.Y. Solar Power? Possible?

    I've done some Solar research for a few customers and in my opinion it is not the wave of the future.......The amount of money you spend on equipment and labor your looking at a 15 year payback just to break even and that's just initial cost not figuring for any service work or battery...
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    Monster House

    Thanks for the quick response Monster....Alright so if I go with 3-600's your suggesting to have a 6" fan on the intake and outtake side of the cooling hoods? I have a 8" vortex not currently in use I was planning on using to cool these hoods, If I got the 3 blockbusters with 8" ports would this...
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    Monster House

    What up Monster would like your expertise opinion on my new setup I keep going back and forth about.........New flower area in my lab is going to be 9'wide by 44"deep, I cant decide on whether to go with 2 Lumatek 1k's with Blockbuster hoods air cooled or 3 Lumatek 600's with Super Sun 2 air...
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    Dam your quick Nugs, thought you were working on our photo update :)
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    Oriahs thread... Read Nugbuckets Lab from the start, tons of great information it has the answers to all your questions...a must read...
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    The Main-Lining Thread

    I'm going to start a thread once I get everything set up shooting for 1st week of September.....slowly pieced together everything I got set up now as I was learning over the past few years so definitely want to set this room up right the first time. I should have come to RIU a long time ago...