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  1. M

    help please well advice

    thanks lads
  2. M

    help please well advice

    sound thanks lads but will the bud still grow ok and the bent branch
  3. M

    help please well advice

    hi lads my mates plants are in flower, week 2 and are nearly touching the lights can he bend the tops or is that to late to do now,They are casy jones. thanks
  4. M

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    ye thanks for that link
  5. M

    hi everyone

    yep they do grow big i'v seen my mates and his are burning now,and yes got them in big pots,17 inch wide and same deep,Can anyone say what could be wrong with the other one in a tent with 1 600w light and if i start toping that could i get the more than 5 oz, Again been told a plant like that...
  6. M

    hi everyone

    i like the forum peeps, My mate had just put his casy jones in to flower on day 3 now is it to late to start toping them,Also he's got one under 1 600w light and its not nowhere as big as the others and they were all planted at the same time,Its also a bit yellow,If all goes well he's been told...