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  1. H


    Very nice drawings, I also plan on doing a wardrobe grow in the near future. I had planned on dwc, but flood and drain looks interesting. I plan on doing 4 plants also. For light I have a 250watts mh/hps. I am going to use a s&P 6in fan. I'm wondering if you would be willing to let me use your...
  2. H

    nirvana US shipping

    Yep, got mine today from nirvana today, 13 days to midwest USA.
  3. H

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    I was also going to mention that you must have a small tv, lol. But awesome build! You have given much inspiration!
  4. H

    Wiring S&P 200 8" Inline Fan

    I've been looking at these fans, that round thing is a capacitor. Do nothing with it. Isn't there anywhere to attach it to the fan? White to White and Black to Black should work. Try putting white to white and attach the brown one to the black. Maybe you have a bad motor?
  5. H

    Electricity help, urgent!!!

    One of those black wires comes from the source and the other one goes to the next outlet, same thing with the white wires. The top and bottom holes should be labeled line and load or something similar. Got to make sure that the line wires actually go to line and the load ones go to the load. The...
  6. H

    My fans are loud, What can I do so they are not loud?

    What size and kind of fans are they? I think smolkinthegreen means you need to make a larger intake possibly, so there is less restriction to flow. or buy quieter fans.
  7. H

    Electricity help, urgent!!!

    Ok you can hook up GFCI's so that the first one will protect the rest in the circuit. This is extremely common as it saves you money by not having to buy all GFCI's. If an electrician used a GFCI for every outlet in a circuit, I would call him a shady electrican. But on to the problem.... You...
  8. H

    Site and light questions.

    Been considering that myself. Realistically I don't think its a problem. I'm in this place until may then I will be moving, so I'm going to buy most of everything now, that way I wont have to shipping anything to the new place. Thanks for the help. At what point do you think extra cooling for...
  9. H

    Site and light questions.

    Ok maybe I need to explain a little more. My plan was to have the fan inline with carbon filter, sucking air through it then exhausting it out. I will have a passive intake. As far as the light goes, I'm just wondering if I'll be good not having anything blowing through the light, the reflector...
  10. H

    Site and light questions.

    Hey guys I've been lurking around for a while reading and planning. Just got a couple of simple questions. Anyone use before? I plan on getting most of it from high tech garden supply but this site has some things that interest me. Also, I plan on using a 250W mh/hps light...