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  1. G

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Hey guys check out this independent study .......
  2. G

    Led Users Unite!

    peep out this ---
  3. G

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Hye guys I just came accross this article post yesterday...pretty good results I think...
  4. G

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Just thought Id alert everyone to RhinoGrow...they are running a huge sale right now. Just got 2 units for $1000!!! Facebook is where I got the deal... Good people, great far!!
  5. G

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    if there are 6 arent getting 120gs per plant then, if thats the case you are getting more like 2g per watt right? you said 439w light, covering 6 plants and getting 1g per watt? and you said 120(minimum) on that one plant(so unless the wieght of each plant is massivley diff for each...