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  1. M

    Think I have a prob. Have a look

    should just give it water then for a while to clear it up?
  2. M

    Think I have a prob. Have a look

    Lemon Haze Clone. 2 weeks into flower. CFL Cabinet grow. soil mixed with perlite. Using MG mixed in water. Still giving veg nutes. Started getting this on the leaves. The big spot on the edge(pic 1)is brittle and crumbled a little. Havent had a prob up to this point. Any Idea what it is? Its not...
  3. M

    Help determining gender

    Yup I started out with 2 Gorilla Kush, 2 Sour Diesel(all from seed) and one Lemon Haze clone. So far both Gorilla Kush are males and have gone to the big compost pile in the sky. The diesels have not shown their sex yet. Im just over a week into flowering.
  4. M

    Help determining gender

    The verdict is in..........A moment of silence please. :(
  5. M

    Help determining gender

    Thanks guys that was my thought too. Its too early to trash it just yet. Should know for sure sometime this week though.
  6. M

    Help determining gender

    Got some Sour D and Gorilla Kush going. They are a month old and I decided to flip them 12/12. I have a ton of growth on them, but still cant tell guys from gals with this. I see what could be a "nut", but i thought they formed in clusters. Could hairs come out of this still? or is it def a...