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  1. K

    one 2x4 or two 2x2 grow tents.. what would be best

  2. K

    Any Insight on how much longer on my baby girls?

    So my two girls where planted May 24th. 18/6 until approx. Aug 8th then switched to 12/12.(My grow log disappeared). I started out with minimal research at first not a smart move. MG potting soil. Used MG Boost Transplanting as solution for feed for the first month or so. Then realized I was...
  3. K

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I got two of my girls here. They where planted may 24thSO 18 weeks old.. Not quite sure when I switched to 12/12. They started at 18/6. CLF. MG potting soil. Used too strong of nuts. I'm thinking maybe two to three more weeks. What do you guys think? There not pretty. First time didn't really do...
  4. K

    Miracle Gro quick start transplanting solution as nut for flowering?

    Bump.. Anyone good with nuts. with any insight?
  5. K

    Miracle Gro quick start transplanting solution as nut for flowering? link to the stuff i have
  6. K

    Miracle Gro quick start transplanting solution as nut for flowering?

    my plants are 11 weeks old. 4 days into 12/12 using mg potting soil. 5 gal buckets. is my soil still have enough nut to give its full potenal? i read some where before if mg transplanting solution can be mixed at 75% less ratio it make levels simular to fox farm tiger blood feed? not sure...
  7. K

    11 week old Plants..4 days into flower no signs of sex? Pics.

    Hey im at 11 weeks and 4 days into flowering 12/12 9am-9pm. Using MG transplanting solution 80% of what the mixture calls for every week. Temp is about 79-82 f and humidity of 50-60 average. Using 3x 23w clfs and two 62 w "i think hps" *bought from walmart* No sign of sex to my eye..but maybe...
  8. K

    How to wire multiple light sockets?

    Just use socket splitters. They are pretty cheap.
  9. K

    First grow advice welcome

    The biggest one had a lot of new growth over the past 4 days. Smaller ones not to much. Ill add some pics later on for anyone that cares to see.
  10. K

    First grow advice welcome

    Eh funds lacking right now which sucks cause I need anything I can't get it. But im just gonna let them do there thing and see what happens. Then start over.
  11. K

    First grow advice welcome

    Bump any other input or insight on when I should flower?
  12. K

    Cut off 2 litres as pots???

    I use solo cups then transplant in a 5gal bucket. Idk I personally wouldn't but that's just me.
  13. K

    First grow advice welcome

    Alrighty.. Im gonna switch to 12/12 in two to 3 weeks mainly to get the smaller 8"ish plant to a foot then im figuring another 1/2 - 3/4 of a foot cause plants almost double in flowering right? Also no feed, Distilled water and seltzer water for misting.
  14. K

    First grow advice welcome

    Also do you think i should get rit of the extra plants in a big pot? Im pretty sure if i put them back in solo cups they will die. So might as well kill em now and let 4 plants get more nut instead of 10. But i suppose for the first run with min research not to shabby at least they grew
  15. K

    First grow advice welcome

    Eh im gonna try to harvest them if they improve in a few week or so with better feed and bring the lights down a bit. i might pick up a few emergany blankets..In about 30 days Ill have the funds to get a nice set up. Thanks for the insight..ill come back with the ending results.
  16. K

    First grow advice welcome

    The switch to 24 hour light was to get the smaller plants up to over a foot tall so i can go to 12/12 in 3 weeks or so. Sorry for the late reply. Here some pics. I know my set up isnt gonna yeild greatly at all.. Id be happy with getting an ounce. I should have reflective material. Any more...
  17. K

    First grow advice welcome

    I also noticed i had 4 of my plants to close to the light for a few weeks and got a little crispy but i fixed it.
  18. K

    First grow advice welcome

    Hello i started my grow 9 weeks ago, I started them off in solo cups using miricle grow potting soil and MG transplanting feed. Using 3x 65w phillips growlights from walmart and a 18" i think 16w folecent light. I have 2 5 gal buckets with 3 10" plants and 2 5gal buckets with two plants in...