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  1. D

    Hermie questions

    Thanks for the help!
  2. D

    Hermie questions

    Well which one is it. I want some seeds and I would rather use my hermie rather than one of my girls. Maybe I'll pollinate the hermie and selectively pollinate only a couple of branches of one of the girls. That way I'll have some data for the future as well.
  3. D

    Hermie questions

    I don't know if there's a difference, but I got one reguardless (mine was probably stress judging by how few nanners there are)
  4. D

    Hermie questions

    OK, I got a hermie. I'm not happy about it, but what are you gonna do. What I would like to know is if Hermies will produced viable seeds (when properly polinated with a male)? I want to get some seeds for storage and if the hermie won't do it, I'll have to use one of my girls.
  5. D

    Possible hermie?

    I'm pretty sure I got a hermie too (I've got 3 fems and 3 boys to compare to). I want to get seeds for future growth, will a hermie just produce more hermie seeds (or any seeds at all)? Should I polinate one of my girls or use the hermie? Thanks in advance for any help you can give.