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  1. kirob1415

    Literally dropped pot ... and plant fell out ... am i scrwed?

    This is good info! Woke up this morning finding that my plant face down, dirt all over. Picked it up and put the dirt back in, hopefully it'll come back.
  2. kirob1415

    Humboldt Nutes

    Were you guys diluting quite a bit or goin full strength?
  3. kirob1415

    Humboldt Nutes

    They guy at the hydro shop recommended it. It was inexpensive and seemed hassle free is all.
  4. kirob1415

    Humboldt Nutes

    Anyone ever use Humboldt Oneness and Duece Duece? If so were you successful using it?
  5. kirob1415

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Man walks into the bedrooom with a sheep under his arm and says "This is the pig I've been fucking" His wife laying in the bed says "Thats not a pig" The man says "Shut the fuck up, I was talking to the sheep"
  6. kirob1415

    Howdy Everyone, First time grower

    Duct tape! lol
  7. kirob1415

    starting, new

    I can offer that you do some extensive research, get everything you need before you get started get your grow room built. But anyway: Germinate your seeds - There are a few methods you can use for that. I put them into a shot glass of water and let them sit for a day or until they sink to the...
  8. kirob1415

    Another hightimes top 10 for Subcool

    All of those are very pretty
  9. kirob1415

    late flowering herm plant

    Dank is "really good"
  10. kirob1415

    I found a bag of blow..........

    The way I see it, if they (the company) were doing it up and they're still kickin its probably not gonna be too bad. But yes its very hard to get really good coke its probably stepped on.
  11. kirob1415

    I found a bag of blow..........

    put a lil bit on your tongue it wont kill ya if it goes numb try a bump
  12. kirob1415

    I found a bag of blow..........

    gonna hit 40 on the 11th ....boooo
  13. kirob1415


    Giggin it :)
  14. kirob1415

    I found a bag of blow..........

    Its my Bday soon send it to me lmao
  15. kirob1415

    I found a bag of blow..........

    To each their own, but its better than crack, crack does nothing (for me anyway) waste of money. And that lil bit wouldnt hurt you, You have to be into it all day everyday to do significant damage to your body. But anyway its for recreational purposes, too expensive to keep doing. Rich mans...
  16. kirob1415

    I found a bag of blow..........

    Put a lil bit on top of your buds and smoke it
  17. kirob1415

    I found a bag of blow..........

    I'd make coco puffs lol
  18. kirob1415

    sending weed thru US mail?

    Triple baggie it get a candle and melt it half way down put baggie in candle melt wax over the top of it. Ive had some sent to me that way without a hitch. Still nerve racking tho. GL
  19. kirob1415

    Can headlice affect my crop???

    Jesus lmao