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  1. MiloTheDog

    Homemade LP aero grow. Help please.

    Sup everybody, this is my version of a low pressure "aero" system. I modeled it after an aquaponic system I saw in the garden store. I have a small water pump putting out nutrients through 9 nozzles in the root chamber plus a drip stake in the hydroton. I have a bell siphon recyling the soup...
  2. MiloTheDog

    Urgent: Advice Needed

    I think I messed up bad somewhere but can't figure out what. Stems are still looking green but I think they might be getting purple. I'll reduce the PPM again if it doesn't get better. FUCK man! I don't want 3 months going down the drain, this isn't looking good.
  3. MiloTheDog

    Urgent: Advice Needed

    I lollipopped her at 18 days into flowering. This morning she looked real bad. I checked the reservoir and saw that my float valve stopped working and the nute mix was almost tapped out. I changed the water out and I kept the PPM at 600. As far as I know the water temps do not heat up or change...
  4. MiloTheDog

    How long until harvest? (Pics)

    Your plant looks very well taken care of. I'm growing tangerine dream myself (first timer) in a bubblebucket system. I'm looking forward to seeing her look like yours. She's nowhere near it but I'm getting anxious too.
  5. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    I lowered the water level in the bucket and reduced the PPM to 600. PH, temperatures, and humidity levels are the still the same. I added a 150 HPS and an 80cfm inline fan for exhaust. She seems to be doing better. Those lower fan leaves falling off does not have any effect on the overall...
  6. MiloTheDog

    DWC seedling question (HYDROTON)

    Hey there biologist, Im currently growing Tangerine dream and this is what I did. I germinated the seed paper towel method on top of the cable box for heat. Once the "tail" was an 1" I put her in rockwool and straight into the dwc. I had trouble in the beginning with this strain so maybe she...
  7. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    Day 69, day 6 flower: Big growth in the last few weeks, I tried FIM method and I failed miserably. She still looks good though. I ended up adding an extra reservoir and a float valve when I went on vacation about a week ago. Everything worked out great and she was big when I came back. I built a...
  8. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    Day 39: Nothing new to add, she went through a growth spurt since the last time I posted. Im going to up the nute mix to around 600 PPM tomorrow. She's drinking a lot more also. Im still rotating her twice daily, and I've been tucking the fan leaves so that the lower growth can get some light.
  9. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    Thanks everyone for your help and advice. I don't think I mentioned it but this is my first grow and I'm glad forums like this exist. I'm going to wait till it gets a little taller before I do some trimming, I still have some room in the cab. x3gop1yr , I agree a PPM meter can make all the...
  10. MiloTheDog

    barney farm tangereine Dream?

    Hey man I'm doing Tangerine Dream in a DWC right now. Its about 32 days in. I had trouble in the beginning but I think its going to be fine. Check it out here.
  11. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    Is it too early to start topping or fimming her? I don't want to lollypop her but she is getting bushy around the bottom. I have two 23w cfls for the lower levels, and I rotate her twice daily. I don't want to cut them down, I think more leaves can absorb more light. There are a couple of spots...
  12. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    Thank you for your responses TheGreenHornet. I did end up covering the rockwool, thanks for the warning. I have one air pump and two air stones right now. Im not sure about the LPM of the pump. Reducing the PH did indeed make a difference. I find that she is using more water as she grows, I have...
  13. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    My water level is a about an inch below the net pot. I had always heard that once the roots start coming through to create an air gap between the water and the bottom of the net pot. Ill raise the water level and see what happens. Please post your pictures, I definitely want to see them.
  14. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    I was trying to find out if the purple stems was a characteristic of the strain. Some forums say that its not a big deal, others say its a bad sign. I emptied the reservoir today and filled it up with 400 ppm 5.8 ph nute mix per BigBuddahCheese. The leaves are starting to fold up in the middle...
  15. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    She's looking good. Roots are nice and white, the reservoir smells like fresh lettuce. She's thickening up her stems a little. I started her on pro-tekt by Dyna Gro. I'm thinking of doing some LST or Fimming or topping once it starts getting taller. I kept her at 500 ppms and I lowered the PH to...
  16. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    She's looking good. I might not end up reducing the PPM from 512. Ill see what happens with a PH around 5.8 when I change it out tomorrow.
  17. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    Good to go. When I change my reservoir this Saturday ill be sure to reduce the PH. I might also cut back the PPM to around 400. I think the 512ppm is a little too high right now.
  18. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    New leaves are growing in faster now. A little nute burn still on some older leaves.
  19. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

  20. MiloTheDog

    New DWC grower

    Thanks for the advice, I think ill let it sit for a day at 512ppm. If it starts looking bad ill reduce it to 300. I started my seedlings with tap water and they seemed to do fine. Then I added nutes and they got burned. I didnt have a ppm then but im sure it was too high. I flushed it and...