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  1. V

    are these male? or should i wait to chop them down

    im not 100% sure bc its not balls i kinda see white hairs but idk if its bc i want to lol
  2. V

    How much did you yeild dry per plant outdoors

    cant tell if its a boy im freaking out i dont see balls but i dont see white hairs id k
  3. V

    SG's 2008 Outdoor Purps and White Russian Breeding

    If I may how much did you yeild
  4. V

    How much did you yeild dry per plant outdoors

    My plant is in ground out door didn't start to bud yet at a little over 5 ft how tall will it get when it starts budding I know my old plants indoor doubled in size or does it not work the same. My plants not budding now and growing about two inches a day It was 42 inches a week and a half ago...
  5. V

    How much did you yeild dry per plant outdoors

    Those were also 5 ft plants but I expect atleast 8 ounces off this plant it's in ground real good lighting
  6. V

    How much did you yeild dry per plant outdoors

    That doesn't seem like a lot my plants a white widow ak47 purple plant and it's about 5 ft now didn't start budding but my indoor plants all got around 2.5 three ounces in a 3 gallon flower pot
  7. V

    How much did you yeild dry per plant outdoors

    Please post the minimum average and most you got. Also what strain was it and how far apart and how big of a hole did you dig thanks guys also was there a big differnce between outdoor and indoor chronic potency
  8. V

    Buds dried too fast~

    Just keep them air tight and let it out every 6 hours to avoid mold also I did the same thing and put them in the jars for about 3 weeks open it up once a day after a while and my widow got a nice candy smell back and was real nice smoke and taste so all might not be lost
  9. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    im thinking it should be done budding early october late sept hopefully idk isnt it like 10 weeks or more for them to finish budding its around 85 degrees here idk how cold they can survive when i first planted them it was maybe 50-60 degrees at night in june and they did fine as little ones but...
  10. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    also when do you think it will start to flower
  11. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    my main baby is probally 60 inches now just keeps going
  12. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    im hoping for 6 ounces or more the least i have 3 plants ones 4/5 of the height of that one and the third is only 1/4 the size maybe 3 feet but not wide bc the roots got fucked up when i planted it so i just basically stuck it in the ground and saw if it grew so thats going to be the lets just...
  13. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    about 8 inches sence the dog pic
  14. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    here is some pics grew about 3 inches from when i took the pic yesterday
  15. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    Thanks I didn know that they didn't double there hidden exempt if u go on the roof which it's rare if he does and it's surrounded by weeds but I'll add the pics tmrw for u guys they look nice how much more do u think they will grow height wise
  16. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    Im not asking for a exact amount just anything I'm assuming more than the one I grew indoors so more than 2 1/2 I also topped it recently
  17. V

    how much will my plant yeild do you think

    my plant is a white widow 50% mix with the purps and ak47 i grew the white widow indoors got 2 1/2 ounces off it my with a 600 watt light but i had 8 plants with it it was around 5'8 feet tall i veged at 2 1/2 feet then flowered for 11 weeks. i but now im growing 3 plants but this one plant...