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  1. D

    HOLY F*$K 120x salvia

    Good stuff.
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    R.I.P Albert Hofmann

    There are a bunch of ignorant people on this some research. LSD is synthesized from ergot, a mold naturally found on wheat/rye, which was originally was discovered then synthesized by albert holfman in '53 while looking for chemicals to help with pregnancy. In the middle ages...
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    Need suggestions on cooling my grow?

    Will adding CO2 bring the heat down some......? The plant looks healthy though, temp is at 100 right now :( Light on for almost 6hrs.
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    Need suggestions on cooling my grow?

    MY temp is at 91f 80mm cpu fans, intake on bottom, output on top of enclosure, using 2 26w daylights right now, i have 2 more pair but temp is just too much right now. How can i cool it down significantly to 75F?