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  1. H

    i pollenated this female outside. so can i expect to harvest her bout the same time ,, as if she...

    i pollenated this female outside. so can i expect to harvest her bout the same time ,, as if she had never been pollenated?? i ask cuz theres not alot of white pistels on her but the buds are still growing....and i have gotten sum good seed stock already ( and sprouted) them. do the...
  2. H

    Welcome New Members!

    that sounds like it might make since. ima pull them today. thanks MR.ganja .......roots rock reggea!
  3. H

    Welcome New Members!

    i have three males outside around agroup of females for seed....normally id pull them after the pollen sacks there any reason to leave them??? will they produce any kind of smokable herbs? or will they even produce a bud at all???