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  1. busher123

    male or female

    bit hard to tell but the one on the right looks like a seed pod just poping out
  2. busher123

    plant not budding

    buds on 6 of thos girls in pic
  3. busher123

    my new grow cupboard

    nice cab btw
  4. busher123

    my new grow cupboard

    ive got away with not haveing carbon filter by haveing tubes from outtake fans up in to loft if your fans are powerful enough it dose the job for me im in flower and no smell at all not the best ideir but it works
  5. busher123

    Yellow spots

    need more info or a pic really
  6. busher123

    is this moroccan hash

    lol cheers people i was just hopeing it not to be that soap bar stuff i beter just blaze one see how it is
  7. busher123

    is this moroccan hash

    just picked this up of a pal and he says its moroccan hash but just want to no what yous think coz you know what sum people are like wiv making things up it smells quite sweet but havent had chance to smoke any yet so cant tell you the high
  8. busher123

    Am I ready to harvest? First grow...

    ive been following a load of threads on here and that dizzy cunt dunt no shit is he fuking 12 im not am the best experienced grower but WTF
  9. busher123

    First grow

    i dont think ther pistils pal just looks like new growth to me
  10. busher123

    help/advice needed 1st grow 1 week into flower

    thanks for the advice and replys peepz im gunna give it a flush and see how it gose from ther
  11. busher123

    help/advice needed 1st grow 1 week into flower

    i went 24/7 for 2 weeks the 24 hours of dark then to 12/12 i water every week last week was the first time i watered and added bloom nutes
  12. busher123

    help/advice needed 1st grow 1 week into flower

    dam ive been going by the bottle would u put it down to over feeding then and should i lay off the nutes next feed and give it a good flush
  13. busher123

    help/advice needed 1st grow 1 week into flower

    when i think about it yeh it did but i have been giving it the rite doses if not less
  14. busher123

    help/advice needed 1st grow 1 week into flower

    my plant is a week into flower just had a check on it today and all my bottom leaves are droopy and just look like their gunna die but my tops look ok what could it be strain is a blue cheese from clone using mg potting soil mixd with perlite and bonemeal 172 watts of cfls any help/advice will...
  15. busher123

    1st time grow!!

    im just using a standard 4 plug soket its doing the job for me and if your close to a home bargains they do some light clip lamps makes it alot easier to get your lights close
  16. busher123

    1st time grow!!

    deffo need more light tho im gussing your in uk as cfls from iker if you are Morrisons have some good 30 watt cfls for £4 might want to pop their and get at least 3
  17. busher123

    first plant under cfl

    carnt see pics pal
  18. busher123

    Help and Advice needed First ever cheap grow 12/12 from seed

    just a quick update my plant has been doing pretty well in the last few days and i think i can see signs of flowering as i have got some green like pistols on each of my sights altho i may be wrong could do with a bit of help if im right to tell if its male or female thanks
  19. busher123

    Help and Advice needed First ever cheap grow 12/12 from seed

    ok i took the advice and laid of the nutes im repottting tonight got myself sum perlite and a 7" pot since my last update its been doing just fine and has alot of new growth
  20. busher123

    Colour and Incorrectly Flushed Weed? [Pics inside]

    i got told if u rub the ash into your fingers and its nice and smooth that its qood quality i may be wrong tho