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  1. EnlightenedOne

    Dinafem Seeds? Anyone Like/Dislike Them?

    Still no word on the critical + autos Would have loved some pictures from a grow of it, Dinafem claim that this strai will go from seed to harvest in 5 weeks!!! This can't be right... Can it? Helppppppppppp xD
  2. EnlightenedOne

    Buds not dense enough

    I agree with Riddleme, especially on topping, topping doesn't always work, 3 different NL's all topped and there are some big differences, One of them topped as expected, creating 2 very large colas, however another plant has produced leggy heads even though they were under the same 600 :/...
  3. EnlightenedOne

    Is the plant over-watered or under-watered???

    Under-watered by the looks of it, feel the soil check it :)
  4. EnlightenedOne

    Northern lights seedlings

    You should probably look into Auto's Danny, they sound like they would be right up your street, you're going to need better lighting though if you want any kind of yeild, for starters xD
  5. EnlightenedOne

    When Do Buds Start Swelling?

    I thought I would post here as I have some similar NL's growing now, on the 22nd day of flowering and looking very nice, all 3 extremely over-sized for their location and have been bent, pruned, topped everything, 4, 5 and 6ft xD It's the first real attempt at a grow so I'm trying a few things...