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    dwc Root Rot - some answers please?

    Rahz ,thank you for sharing your knowledge
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    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Frenchy ,you are a legend !.After months of research on yours & Matts threads & YT vids ,growing the plant ,making the RO ice ,ect ect ! ....I have finally made some top quality IWE that is drying right now .I micro plained the 73 & 45 Matt style as im sure it will be full melt ,but the 120 &...
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    Dutch Passion LED

    lol no problem at all dude ... troll haha .I looked in this thread because of the title (ASKING FOR OPINIONS?) Then I offered my opinion & a bit of background to back it up ...thats it ,nothing more ... I dont need to prove fuk all to anyone here & was trying to help ...then I was asked a Q...
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    Dutch Passion LED

    you could well be right my friend ?... i think they are epistar chips but its the spectrum & lens angles ect that make each company's LED different ...(Loads of LED use epistar but do not all perform the same) all the Q&A on the site I frequent tells me that 1 LED that looks exactly the same as...
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    Dutch Passion LED

    love the terrible rating this thread has achieved .I thought tokers where positive people but this place seems the opposite:spew:good luck finding a decent unit OP:peace:
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    Dutch Passion LED

    thanks Andy ...Its a bit embarrassing having my 1st ever thread on the 1st forum I joined up on DP's website for all to see .Man I talked some shit lol. But shows even a new grower can pull awesome weights with GN LED's & I am pleased to get some kudos for the grow It was just one MS-0006 ,but...
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    Dutch Passion LED

    ferro & blackstar are also sponsors over there & the site will not allow anyone to even put up links to other LED's unless they have done a documented test grow with the unit & filled in a stat sheet at the end ... you can't say fairer than that lads lol....& im just a muppet whos been growing...
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    Dutch Passion LED

    theres a shed load of grows all done with GN's that are identicle to the DP unit ...just without the logo . I prob shouldn't put this link to another site up ...but if you want to see what these lights can do check it out ... theres even a wall of fame &...
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    Dutch Passion LED

    GN may use the same case as a cidly apollo but there optics , lenses & inner workings are completely different ...just coz the cover looks the same dont make it the same quality LED .... I know that GN put a lot of R&R into there product & thats what sets them above the rest .... I bought a LED...
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    Dutch Passion LED

    Hi ... I use the GN LEDS & there awesome bro :bigjoint:my second ever grow got a blog on the DP website Lots of other amazing GN grows from others on there website too ... GrowNorthernUK have also...
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    Auto-flower solo cup contest entries -- post your picture and update here

    thanks bud :joint: was canna aqua nutes ,plus all the canna supps ...with a bit of silica & overdrive :peace:
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    Auto-flower solo cup contest entries -- post your picture and update here

    great comp & entries :bigjoint:gotta share a few pics of my AUTO stone dragon comp winner from another forum for all those non auto believers !. Only rules where media / nutrients must be contained in a 16oz container ...a 65 day grow & final pics in a few days after that...I entered the comp...
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    Auto-flower solo cup contest entries -- post your picture and update here

    heres my auto stone dragon in a pint glass on day 60 ...bit late I know but thought it would be cool to share her with you guys as im quite proud :) :peace:1st post on here for years too
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    Heeeeeeeelp what are Best Led lights in the uk

    check out GrowNorthern dude ....AMAZING LED's at an amazing price ...just check Dutch Passions website & there latest blog showing what they can do :):):)
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    Autos in hydro system?

    Hey,great info man .. if my tap water is reading 120 PPM already how do i keep it in range after adding the nutes?. Or do i have to lower this or use different water ?. Thanks & good luck to all with every grow!
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    my tap water is 400 ppm out of the faucet, this bad for hydro?

    Please forgive my donkish,noobie ignorance!,im new to hydro & have just joined this site to get a bit of help if poss. I got my EC/PPM meter in the post today & my tap water is reading 0.95 . & this is my total noob question !...... Do i NEED to lower this? (see,told you i was a total...
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    Autos in hydro system?

    yep,this help A LOT ! thanks
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    Newb HELP with water ec ph and BIOSEVIA

    Userwords?.Have you checked out DWC ( deep water culture ),or bubbletronics?.Easy to make a DIY setup to grow anything .
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    Newb HELP with water ec ph and BIOSEVIA

    Hello rollitup new to the site,new to hydroponics & pretty new to growing all together really!.I am currently building a "stealthcab" for a deep water culture/l.e.d /autoflowering setup.... Im very excited & can't wait to get going ,but like many other noobs i have some issues i need some...