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  1. jcd420

    Seedling going yellow after 2 days 4th time I try with same resolts. Please help

    I did that yesterday lets see how it goes.
  2. jcd420

    Seedling going yellow after 2 days 4th time I try with same resolts. Please help

    They are only 2 days old, does every one agree Randm? Should I give nuts at 20%
  3. jcd420

    Seedling going yellow after 2 days 4th time I try with same resolts. Please help

    I was told that a seedling only needs water. I have nuts from advance nutrition organic. On my 2nd try every one told me not to use it until 3rd or 4th node at 20%
  4. jcd420

    Seedling going yellow after 2 days 4th time I try with same resolts. Please help

    I have been trying to grow for about 6 month now and every time the same thing happens. At first the plant is very nice dark leafs but when the 3rd set of leafs are going to be born the bottom leafs die. and when the next set is born that last will die This time the leaf is alredy yellow and...
  5. jcd420

    Should I stop my fan

    I built a littel house for my CLF and put a good fan blowing on the bulb its nice and cold. But there is alot of wind blowing down to my littel plant. should I stop the fan?
  6. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    i love your plants they look so health
  7. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    ok great thanks, ill give it try.
  8. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    My current setup is temp is 72 - 78 light is CLF 65w and only 2 inches from light light is very cool no heat at all. lots of fans soil is 1 sunshine mix to 3 perlite no nutrition just water humidity 61%
  9. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    humidity is at 61%
  10. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    before the max i was watering the plant was every other day (I gave water when top soil was dry and the bottom was slitly humid. This week I only water on monday night and then on Thursday. I am waiting until soil is almost completely dry, to water again. This grow I did not use any nutrion...
  11. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    asmallvoice what kind of medium are you using?
  12. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    I am not using any nuts. but I have organic from advancenutrition iguana juice. I have a EC reader, 200ppm is how much EC?
  13. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    ph from 6.5 - 6.8 as for lighting i have a digital light meter and a 400w hps and a 400w MV and a 65w CLF, ive tryed them all and same resoultes one at a time. I have a medium size fan ruining going side to side on low speed. soil is very good darning but has no nutritional value. its sunshine...
  14. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    plenty of holes, im using tap water and letting it sit for 24hrs+
  15. jcd420

    What am I doing wrong?

    on my last try ppl told me that it was nutrition burn OCT25 this time they same is nutrition lock out. DEC18 but the...
  16. jcd420

    seedling leaf keep going brown

    but im not giving any nutrition. should I start feeding her?
  17. jcd420

    seedling leaf keep going brown

    I have been trying to grow for about 4 month now and every time the same thing happens. At first the plant is very nice dark leafs but when the 3rd set of leafs are going to be born the bottom leafs die. and when the next set is born that last will die temp is 72 - 78 light is CLF 65w and only...
  18. jcd420

    4 day old seedling does it look right?

    so she is going to die?
  19. jcd420

    my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

    keep ur stuff. wait until you move out, then grow. You will have many more chances to grow later. until then find some one that has there own place and share with them
  20. jcd420

    4 day old seedling does it look right?

    humidity is 59 - 69% pot is small, but I guess good size for a seedling. im using perlite 3 to 1 sunshinemix #4 light is at 18hrs temp from 72 - 76