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  1. G

    1st time grower with nutrient/sexing question

    Hi all...I am attempting a grow with some bag seed...not expecting much, but figured it was a relatively cheap way to experiment...I germinated 10 seeds in Rapid Rooters, then transferred them to 2 gal pots with Fox Farm Ocean Forest/perlite mix...since then, they have been outside enjoying the...
  2. G

    New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???

    Thanks man...greatly appreciated :clap:
  3. G

    New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???

    LOL...hurt my feelings? general point is I have done reading...a lot...and I'm honestly tired of it...part of the problem is the sticky's get all clogged up with extra stuff...some are over 100 pages long...
  4. G

    New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???

    Funny, but at the same time a good representative answer of the problem with forums like this...sometimes it's tough to get a straight answer...but never mind as I found it...
  5. G

    New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???

    Good idea...where is it?
  6. G

    New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???

    I see your scrog set up in that that how you always do it? And do u recommend that for a beginner like myself?
  7. G

    New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???

    I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but r u saying u get 4-6 oz's of dried material off one plant?
  8. G

    New DWC grower...6", 8", or 10" netpots???

    I'm planning on starting my first grow with 4 DWC buckets...standard 5 gallon ones...but I see that net pots come in several diameters...from reading, it seems that the bigger pots would yield a bigger plant? Is that true, with everything else being equal? Any recommendation as to which size...
  9. G

    New grower needs help with light setup 4 plants DWC set up

    I'm planning on setting up 4 5 gal DWC buckets in a spare tent or anything, just in the open room...any advice on a specific light set up to use?
  10. G

    Myler necessary if walls/ceiling r already painted flat white?

    I have 2 spare bedrooms in which to set up a first so take it easy on me if I ask stupid questions...both bedrooms are roughly 14' it necessary to cover the walls with mylar or will everything be fine with the current color which is flat white? I'm planning on starting out...
  11. G

    Need advice on which way to go with 2 large unused bedrooms avail for growing

    Yes, Commander any advice on what to start with?
  12. G

    Need advice on which way to go with 2 large unused bedrooms avail for growing

    Sorry guys, I didn't mean to imply that I meant to initially outfit both rooms to the max, based on $2k...let me ask it this isn't an issue...I'm not forced to put it in a closet, or hide it from what to do to start small then?
  13. G

    Need advice on which way to go with 2 large unused bedrooms avail for growing

    As luck would have it, I have 2 full upstairs bedrooms in which to grow. I have decided to go with DWC, so that's why I posted my questions here. I'm new to this forum, but I have been reading on and off for a couple of months. I've grown tired of reading so much...lots of advice in here...