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  1. 4

    1000Watt One Plant Pineapple Express Closet Grow

    Will be following along also! Thinking about doing the same idea just with 600 watt lights. I plan to order 4 of them and see what the results will be vs. a bunch of plants under one light.
  2. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    Thank you cues! I understand its goin to take a while to get built up. I'm slowly updating daily. adding new ideas and new lights ect. I just added one more halogen light which is 75 watts. I know they aren't good for the cost of electricity but if I was goin to use it outside my as well use it...
  3. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    The only advantages of living out here is people don't go looking for you and don't assume anything if they smell something. The HUGE disadvantage is we have alot of outdoor growers and alot of people looking for outdoor grows. I would like to do outdoor and indoor grow because of the strands I...
  4. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    rofl!!! thats great lol. I understand that my grow isn't going to be "great" but i'm trying. I adjusted my lights to three inches above them and about to add more lights today. I will post back with the actual wattage of all the lights asap. I'm really trying to get this grow out of the way that...
  5. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    out of a what? I'm doing the best I can. I don't know anything else I can do.
  6. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    Ok, I would have grown outdoors if the season wasn't supposed to end soon. I'm sorry that I don't have the money to get lights at the moment. This is just a crop enough to smoke and a little to get rid of so I CAN afford to get better lights and actually have a huge harvest! On my budget, I...
  7. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    lmfao eh no! deff not growin in my parents house.
  8. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    I have one fan that cirulates the air pretty good. The halidide I have in there puts off alot of heat so about 5 hours a day the door is open. It seems to keep the tempature decent. Also are they really ready to change the light cycle?
  9. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    Like I said I would If i had a higher budget BUT i don't. The next grow I have I will be able to upgrade all my equipment. Other than adding more money into the setup are there any ideas?
  10. 4

    Please help! Holes in leaves but no sign of bugs!!!

    they are like sorta like white flys. The only way I fixed my problem was adding a second fan, because bugs do not like alot of wind.
  11. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    I have to adjust my lights almost daily and I rotate them as needed. The room is warm if not hot most of the day, which is why i keep the door open (unless i'm in there, the pit bull decided it was ok to eat my bushyiest plant today :( ). I don't know how many more light I will need or how much...
  12. 4

    First time micro grow need any and all assistance! I'm in the process of building my own. Would this help you any? It has everything you need except seeds of course.
  13. 4

    Upside down growing

    I never really understood the point of growing upside down... doesn't make sense.
  14. 4

    low budget grow room= great results

    I started the majority of these plants on aug 5. Only with the lights you see in the picture, a lil potting soil, a lil food and bam they growing great! Just thought i would post pictures and see if I can get any opinions. Also I plan on adding two more FLC's and I just switched the lights back...
  15. 4

    Tell me what you think of my Marijuana Plants

    Need to build the soil up on them as much as possible. Maybe re plant them and bring the soil under the bottom leaves. everything else will turn into a root system. Always could use more lights!!! The containers I don't have an issue with especially since I have almost mature plants in ice cream...
  16. 4

    First Grow

    Thanks guys! They seem to like the light that I have given them, i'm constanly adding more and more light. The reason I keep them on 24hrs is because, I have seen significant growth between the extra 4 light hours that I apply. I have about 3 strains mixed from pot I smoked. Not really good bud...
  17. 4

    Buy proper fans

    wow thats kinda harse. i've been a member for a while and just have set back and watched and learned everything I possibly can with out posting... sorry guys lol and everyone seems to be nice/helpful/and ... fuckin halrious... maybe you should ignore one guy and listen to the ones that will help...
  18. 4

    First Grow

    This is my first grow and i'm in week 4 almost five of veg cycle. I started strictly from seeds from some reg. bud. I'm on a strict budget and limited resources. I have used miracle grow as potting soil. My light set up is 8 cfl's and 3 fluorescents. My general question is when should I put them...