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  1. RandomJesus

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    Nice, I love simple, cheap, and innovative methods. I think meets all three...nice.
  2. RandomJesus

    Former Lurker Saying Hello

    hello, good luck on your grow.:)
  3. RandomJesus

    What strain is this?

    sativa dominate hybrid....looks really healthy. good job.
  4. RandomJesus

    white dots / strain

    couldn't tell you what strain...but it's definitely an indica.
  5. RandomJesus

    newbie needs advice

    good luck to you.
  6. RandomJesus

    Have u tried legal Buds?

    I've seen that crap in magazines...wouldn't bother
  7. RandomJesus

    white dots / strain

    I don't know...depends on what they are
  8. RandomJesus

    OG Kush 50 days Flowering pics

    Man I love that OG kush
  9. RandomJesus

    ak48 harvest pics

    When you break a stem it should crack and not be rubbery. before jarring.
  10. RandomJesus

    per plant? yield

    If you mean to do this indoors. You'd need a long veg. time and perfect conditions water,nutes,light,temp,air /Co2 it would have to be an extremely high yielding variety. even then: 6ozs is a lot to hope for.
  11. RandomJesus

    Spearmint Plant (Pics)

    Don't know much about spearmint cultivation, but it looks healthy...I bet it smells great.
  12. RandomJesus

    white dots / strain

    although your pics are good, it's still hard to tell from here. :)
  13. RandomJesus

    white dots / strain

    Vegetable IPM gangjababy checkout this pest site, it may offer help.
  14. RandomJesus

    white dots / strain

    it looks like spider mites, maybe thrips.(tiny winged bugs) any black specks (feces)?
  15. RandomJesus

    potting idea

    duct tape is a good choice. blocks light, and it would have no negative effect on your plants. assuming that you wrap the exterior of the bottle :)
  16. RandomJesus

    potting idea

    I think your idea is quite clever. such innovative thinking is something to be proud of.
  17. RandomJesus

    What Song are you listoning to right now?

    James Cotton: 'Down at your Buryin'
  18. RandomJesus

    Crush tylenol w/ weed

    I will not even dignify this thread with a reply....fuck
  19. RandomJesus

    125w vs 8 27w ??

    cfls are shit.
  20. RandomJesus

    Trimming Fan Leaves

    In my opinion puff hit it right on the head, unless a leaf is 50% damaged leave it alone all parts of a plant serve a function.