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  1. Blueberrystl


    What is the best type of lighting to use during vegetation and budding? I am growing blueberry.
  2. Blueberrystl

    Blueberry plants not getting bigger

    Thanks, I will definetly try that soil.
  3. Blueberrystl

    Blueberry plants not getting bigger

    Thanks man, I will check my ph and I am trying to be patient. I also realized last night that the timer that my lights are on quite so the plants have only been getting around 12 hours of light a night. So I bought a new timer and I turned the lights back up to 20 hours. Thanks for the info.
  4. Blueberrystl

    I think I found my problem.

    I posted about my blueberry plants having a little trouble growing and I think I found the problem. I have my lights on a timer and for some reason they have been turning off on me in the middle of the night, im guessing they are only getting around 12 hours of light . I bought a new timer and...
  5. Blueberrystl

    Blueberry plants not getting bigger

    I am using just miracle grow with no additional nutrients. What is a good PH level?
  6. Blueberrystl

    Blueberry plants not getting bigger

    The pots are plenty big and i am using miracle grow soil along with pleanty of water and lighting. They popped out and grew to about 3 inches but have not moved in 4 days. They are blueberry plants.
  7. Blueberrystl

    Blueberry plants not getting bigger

    My plants are about a week and a half old and they have not grown much since they popped out. They still only have the first leaf set. What is the problem?
  8. Blueberrystl

    Noob question

    I have ground up an bout an O of some widow and only got about enough to fill up a soda bottle cap, if that. I wish more came out because I love the taste and the high you get off keif. My buddy has a couple pill bottles full of keif from blueberry and some bubblegum, I am definetly jealous.
  9. Blueberrystl

    Noob question

    Yes it has a catch. I am growing blueberry and I was wondering if blueberry is a good weed to grind up. I love getting the kief but it makes the bud look less attractive, if you know what i mean.
  10. Blueberrystl

    Noob question

    I have been smoking for a little while now and I finally bought a grinder. I need to know if grinding your pot down makes it less potent? I have heard all diffrent answers so I thought I would ask.
  11. Blueberrystl

    Having trouble growing blueberry

    Yes they are Dutch Passion.
  12. Blueberrystl

    Having trouble growing blueberry

    I have always had help before. This is my first time growing by myself and i decided to grow blueberry. Probably not the best choice but I moved into my new house and I dont have help like I used to when I shared an apartment. The guys I used to grow with took care of alot of the work and I was...
  13. Blueberrystl

    Having trouble growing blueberry

    Ok, Thanks alot man. Like I said I am still a noob at this. Thanks again.
  14. Blueberrystl

    Having trouble growing blueberry

    All the plants have two leaves. Not sure what your talkin about with the sets. I am still kinda new at the whole thing.
  15. Blueberrystl

    Having trouble growing blueberry

    Hi I am new here and would like to introduce myself. I am Rob and have been growing for about 5 years and I have finally decided to grow blueberry. I planted 8 out of the 10 seeds and 4 have come up. The only problem is that they came up about 5 days ago and are now just staring to show leaves...