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  1. B

    Sweet Tooth closet grow,2 400w HPS

    Love your journals! I'll definitely be following this one. Thank you thank you thank you for posting the number day of veg/bloom with each photo set. I used your previous journal to match against my own girls to see just how much they were set back (we had the power go out for over 4 days)...
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    Crinkled Wrinkly Leaves? (PICS)

    My concern is mainly for the necrosis in some of the leaves... the crinkly ones are really not looking that healthy either and I need them to be photosynthesizing! :) Their growth is still fairly slowed. These have been vegging for almost three weeks now and they're still so tiny... I just...
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    Crinkled Wrinkly Leaves? (PICS)

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    Crinkled Wrinkly Leaves? (PICS)

    If anyone read my previous posts I was having a problem with spotted leaves and reservoir temps. Turns out I had some bad bacteria / slime in the reservoir. I quite using organics so that I could start using h2o2 to get everything under control. I then noticed my sensizym smells like my...
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    Leaves droopy and branches bending

    What grow setup / medium are you using? What's the temperature of the room, distance from light source, type of lighting, growing medium?
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    Please Help Part II (PICS)

    Bumping to keep the thread alive so that maybe someone can help keep my girls alive...
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    Hows it look?(first grow, CFL,bagseed)

    Wow man I'm jealous she looks fantastic! I'm littered with problems :( Hope my girls look as good as yours eventually! She's super bushy!
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    Please Help Part II (PICS)

    Somebody, anybody, please?!
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    Nute Deficiency? Part II (MORE PICS)

    Here's an update with additional pics ... I really wish I knew what was going on.. to be on the safe side I've flushed the rockwool and turned the drip emitters off... Unfortunately the pH keeps on climbing and I've noticed that the PPM is rising as well... from 750 to 900 overnight... what...
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    So Close! You could actually harvest now although my preference would be to wait until about 50% of the trichomes have turned milky and or started to yellow a bit... Enjoy!
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    Please Help Part II (PICS)

    For anyone that's read my last posts I'm posting an update with additional pics as well as an update on some other things that might help someone diagnose the problem... Rundown: This is a DWC System. My last crop I lost due to root rot as I didn't know the res had to be kept at such a low...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    Yikes! That would put me somewhere around 1,800 are the plants ready to handle that kind of TDS? i don't want to nute burn them, especially in the state that they currently are...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    Well thanks for the help though, hopefully someone can help me out...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    Oh I'm also using Hygrozym because I just lost a crop to root rot :(
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    I'm using Advanced Nutrients ... quite a list but supposedly a good feeding table... Grow A & B B-12 Sensizym Fulvic Humic Barricade Scorpion Mother Earth Tea Grow Voodoo Juice Piranha Powder Tarantula Powder Since the problem started I have stopped using the powders and the organics (Voodoo...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    I have no idea... I tried using both piranha and tarantula powder this time and it start creating tons of bacteria... supposedly good but I decided to completely drain the res and give them new nutes... this time without piranha and tarantula... that stuff is ridiculous... perhaps the...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    PPM is currently at 750...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    PPM is 750 ... That should be fine... Should I try flushing them with pH balanced water just in case? The previous solution was a little high at almost 950...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    It's a DWC system but up until a couple days ago when the roots started coming through I was hand watering once every three days... some every other day depending on how light the rockwool was getting... Now the drip emitters come on once a day for 5 min...
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    Nute Deficiency? (PICS)

    pH is 5.8 although it keeps rising rather fast... water temp is correct... what else could it be? Doesn't a Nitrogen Def usually start with older leaves first?