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  1. G

    Help - Overgrowing!

    Too close to the sides
  2. G

    Help - Overgrowing!

    Ive currently got my hydo setup in a tent. Im nearly halfway through the flowering process. My plants are getting too big and bushy and Im afraid of the light not reaching certain parts that are below others. What can I do? What parts shall i trim or move?
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    What exactly are the fan leaves?
  4. G


    Could someone help me and give me some guidence on trimming my plants? Ive just switched over to the flowering stage and im using Hydro with 400w lamp.
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    How/When shall i cut down

    At what stage shall i be looking to get my plant to before I cut it down? Do i need 2 flush it with plain water? How long for?
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    Changing to Flowering Stage

    I am using the Hydro setup with the tray, 400w Hps and Ive been in the Veg stage for 8 weeks. I think my plants are now ready for the flowering stage. Whats the process to change to this? I heard that I need to turn my light of for 24hrs before changing to 12/12? Do I need to change my water...
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    Nutrients and PPM question....

    Can some1 tell me wat ppm of the water my plants should be feeding at and at what stages please? This is in a Hydo setup.
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    Nutrients and PPM

    the setup is Hydo
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    Nutrients and PPM

    Can some1 tell me wat ppm my plants should be feeding at and at what stages please?
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    Coning question

    Is it best to cut them in the Veg or Flowering period, or does that matter?
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    When to take Cuttings?

    Is this in the Veg or Flowering period, or does that matter?
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    Lighting times??

    OK well if anybody else has any other pros and cons then please let me know
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    When to take Cuttings?

    When is the best time to take Cuttings for my next lot of plants?
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    Lighting times??

    Hi, i was told that when im starting my plants out on Veg, to use the light on a 24/0 basis. Do i do this throughout the whole Veg period or do i change it to 18/6 at some point?? Thanks
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    Am I over feeding this plant?

    Whats nute burn? How can i fix this?
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    Whats nute burn?

    Whats nute burn? How can i fix this?
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    Am I over feeding this plant?

    Am I over feeding this plant? Its 2 weeks old, i been following instructions but i think ive been over fertilising. What can i do to fix this? wat ppm should it be at this stage?
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    Leaf ends curling down?

    I have a 2 week old plant on a hydro system, and ive noticed the edges of some of the leaves are curling down and the ends look a darker green colour. Whats this mean? Thanks
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    Why are my leafs yellow?

    I have 1 week old plants under a 400w hps, ive been follwing all instructions carefully that i have been givin but why are my leafs yellow? and they are looking a bit droopy.What am i doing wrong?
  20. G

    Distance of the light to plants?

    How far does the light need to be from my plants? I have a 400w Hps. Plants are 1 week old. Thanks