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    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    Very nice, enjoy the cute little puppy while she lasts. 7 months from now you'll have a little beast like I do.
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    No You Are Not Done Yet

    Mine has a couple hairs on it. Is it ready to smoke?
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    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    That was nice of her. I wish mine was a gift. I had to shell out $1200.
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    Ok outdoor growers. What have you learned or liked....

    My big change is going to be going to smaller and faster indicas next time. Got one big 7 footer that is way too big for my comfort level (it was even topped) that isn't even close to being done with cold weather coming fast.
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    Hole in middle of stalk. Problem?

    Ok This brings up another question. I've been dying to water with some mollases but havent with the the fear that it would attract bugs and/or those whitetailed bastards. Opinions?
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    need ideas... going on vacation

    These cowboy fans seem to turn up like packer fans. Everywhere... Still Romo, Still Chasing a wild card.
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    Any toking golfers on RIU?

    Cool, I forget how to add it up at the end of the round now and then... I would love to play some of the courses you have in your area.
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    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    Dude I hear that. My Dobe is no longer allowed to visit plants, the prick flattened one a few months ago..
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    Sour Diesel my dude. Trippy good. great taste. I wish I could fuck this Cannabis.

    Looks just like the shit I used to get straight outta NYC about 7 years back. All I can remember is fuckin winning it... Only one i ever liked better was some AK47 that came out of Penn State back in my college days. Gotta love State College PA.
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    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    Thanks. The ear cropping is expensive and unnatural. They end up cutting a dorito sized chunk of ear off, take pain killers at 7 weeks old, and have to be taped up for possibly months. I wouldn't do that to my boy. No wonder they can get a little nasty, I would be if you cut half my ear off...
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    Any toking golfers on RIU?

    I just picked up the game a couple years ago and usually bring it home in the 90's from the whites. Can't play nearly as much as I would like to but that seems to be the case with anyone. I find personally that I usually play a little better if i have a couple burns along the way, lets say a...
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    need ideas... going on vacation

    Have you all no shame? Steelers!... I know we sucked hard last night. Without Harrison Clark and Mendenhal and with Uselessberger and Wallace in a slap fight what can i exect?
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    Four Legged Security - Post Your Pics!!!

    Doberman Pinscher (blue & rust) 9 months 28 1/2" 80lbs I dont think he would ever bite anyone but the little guy makes a hell of a noise.
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    Anal vicodin?

    Nah it's ok I get it now. It's so it don't hurt so bad when the man's at the back door pushing your shit in. Be a little more clear next time. What up?
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    Anal vicodin?

    What's that? Your applicator?
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    can you flower in pa around october with these

    Considering I've got a few out that my boy started in February and put out in may and I'm worried about them having time to finish ( I'm fucked btw. It ain't gonna happen) best of luck to you bro...
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    Cold weather effect on flowering?

    And just how do you reckon I turn the sun off for an extra 4 hours a day? This is guerilla shit my friend.
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    Cold weather effect on flowering?

    As the nights are now beginning to become quite cool I was wondering what effects this may have on a long flowering sativa. As it is now getting down into the low 50s and even high 40s at night will this trigger the plant to think that it is nearing the end of its life cycle and trigger faster...
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    just needed a taste!

    Lucky... I think there's honna be snow on the ground before I'll ever get a taste test. Damn how I hate short growing seasons for long growing plants.
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    Someone growing on my land??

    Personally I would go about setting up a few large snares and catch the little bastards upside down. Use some 3/16" cable so it can't be cut with a pocket knife.