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    Seed germination suggestions

    How you mean??? Thanks
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    Seed germination suggestions

    Wondering if anyone might have some ideas in ways that might help a seed to germinate.. We have some hybrid seeds ChurchXDurban Poison that are less than a year old. dried to about 30% humidity then stored in little plastic baggies placed in pill bottle then the Fridge.. They seem to be very...
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    Church Durbin

    Here is where the Durban came from and the church came from the sister site she has forgotten the name
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    Church Durbin

    I will have to ask my wife if she still remembers, She the one who knows where the seeds came from
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    Church Durbin

    Just wondering if anyone has crossed a Church with a Durban before.. One of our Durban males got frisky with a Church and we kept the seeds have a female that is rather sweet. Anybody else done this?? comments??? Thanks
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    Any Ideas as to WHY this brach did this??

    Thanx for the feedback... its good to get a second opinion Alas it seems to be the last If it wasn't a Northern Lights I would just let it fail Thanks again
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    Any Ideas as to WHY this brach did this??

    11 day ago I wrote about asking why a branch wilted and slowly died...The general consistence was a bad transplant. Nobody described WHAT was a bad transplant.. GEE thanks.. NOW a new branch has done the same thing so I am really skeptical that the statement of bad transplant is correct cuz...
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    Any Ideas as to WHY this brach did this??

    Thanks for the Chuckle Canna Connoiseur Not sure what exactly you are looking at But its the side of our house and the Mound in the BKGD is our compost pile.. Now as to the bad transplant... I gonna say it really wasn't that the transplant went well.. didn't loose any of the dirt ball and...
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    Any Ideas as to WHY this brach did this??

    The plant is a Nlights reveg. Had been growing well but recently needed to be transplanted.. Transplanted to a larger pot 2 weeks ago. Spends about 8 hrs under lights and the other 10 hrs in day light. This weirdness started out slowly in a few water leaves At night under the indoor lights the...
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    Color Gels and CFL's

    Thanks for the input folks.. If I did the gel idea I would replace a bulb for each one filtered cuz I understand the light loss. Yeah Sativa has it right ..I guess it would be a waste of energy
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    Color Gels and CFL's

    Has anybody ever used color gels to shift a 6400K to a lower spectrum during flowering??? I have a bunch of theatrical gels that are yellow and red and was wondering if using them on a few of the CFL's and creating a mixed lighting would assist in giving the "warmer light" needed for...
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    1 Grow room Veg and Flower

    Have a small problem I am trying to figure out... Does any one have a suggestion on how to keep both flowering and vegetative plants in the same grow room. I want to start some of the plants to flower but keep the others for clones etc. I am limited with my space and I don't want to make all the...