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  1. S

    Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese

    Hi all, Here is an update as of 03/15/2012 (Day 68...)... Won't be long now until she is ready for harvest -- I'm going to be waiting till next week.
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    Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese

    Here is an update as of 08/03/2013:
  3. S

    Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese

    Nope, I don't normally do any kind of training unless I'm letting it stay in the vegetative stage for at least 4 weeks. For me the auto flowering plants take off way fast into flowering to risk it. They seem so fragile. And thanks. (= Definitely a win for the CFLs.
  4. S

    Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese

    Update as of 28/02/2012. She is almost finished, but I am going to let her go for another week. I have also decreased the light schedule from 24/7 to 20/7 (did this about 2.5 weeks ago).
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    Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese

    Here are some more pics from today:
  6. S

    Need Outdoor Strain for Ontario

    Recently grew Greenhouse Great White Shark. It not the most potent strain around but makes it up for it in its yield. Really nice bag appeal, covered with crystals.
  7. S

    How are indoor growers exposed?

    Generally if you pay your electric bill on time, the electric company doesn't care! Remember they are a corporation, so you using more electricity gets them higher revenues. Exceptional electricity usage is not grounds for a search warrant - not that the electric company would report it anyways...
  8. S

    Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese

    Yeah, I took a look at your thread, yours seems to growing much more outward than upward! Regardless though, I'm just praying that this one produces a decent yield. She has about 30-40 flowers or so on her.
  9. S

    Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese

    Hi all, I thought I'd stop in and post some pictures of my latest grow. It's Barney's Farm Auto Little Cheese and its about 2 weeks into flowering. Not entirely sure how much longer it has before it finishes, but I'd assume another 5-7 weeks. I began the seed around Jan 7th, so its been around...
  10. S

    What does it all mean?

    WTF there is actually a section as such! Thank you for the information!
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    If I were gay...

    Man this sounds like the Beyonce song, if i were a boy. wtf
  12. S

    What does it all mean?

    lol true. But how can you say that you really exist? You cant quantify your conciseness. Do you really exist if your mind doesn't exist?
  13. S

    What does it all mean?

    What does it all mean. I sit here, the silent kettle sound lingers in the distance. The flashes on my phone tell me someones messaged me. I look there's no messages, no flashing either. The kettle noises stop. The clock ticking begins again. The lights flicker. What does it all mean?
  14. S

    Self medicating

    wtf? I'm too stoned for these types of verbalizations.
  15. S

    Week 5 Flowering, How Do They Look?

    They are about 16 (first two pictures) and 14 inches tall (last picture). Not too tall since I am growing with CFL's. Here are some pics of the plants, 3-4 days ago or so.... I was hoping for an ounce per plant as the maximum but I was more or less expecting about half ounce of dried bud per plant.
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    Week 5 Flowering, How Do They Look?

    Here are a few more pictures from today...
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    Week 5 Flowering, How Do They Look?

    Not too long, 3 weeks of 24/0 and then I switched to 12/12. For an indica dominant plant, they take 9-10 weeks for flowering which is rather long. They stretched about 200 percent after I flowered, so I believe 3 weeks was the correct time for the lights/pot size I'm using.
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    Week 5 Flowering, How Do They Look?

    TY, this is my first ever attempt to grow. So hopefully it turns out decent. =)
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    Week 5 Flowering, How Do They Look?

    Yep, 250 watts worth. 125 on the top and 125 around the base of the plants. The plants seem to respond well to the lights, they seem to be performing well to my standards for 12,000 lumens.