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  1. R

    Jury finds pot dispensary isn’t nonprofit, owner guilty, facing 10 years in prison

    Are you really asking, or are you spinning wheels? Practically speaking, with financial support, he could have likely had a better defense, with better extrinsic force brought to bear. And more broadly, well funded popular campaigns to remove the officials who executed these legal actions...
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    Jury finds pot dispensary isn’t nonprofit, owner guilty, facing 10 years in prison

    Probably not, because the other truly greedy players in the industry stay back in the shadows, stacking that cash, leaving him out to dry. Just one less competitor in the marketplace.
  3. R

    Sacramento finnta ban outdoor growing?!

    Haha, ban the banks, they increase the rate of bank robberies in a community! These cunt faced politicians need to realize we live in a democracy, and the people have already expressed their will. We need medical marijuana. These fucks are constantly and unceasingly attacking the expressed...
  4. R

    Canopy thickness for Blackstar Chrome 270w

    Talk about thick canopy! How are you handling rh in there?
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    Oakland sues federal government

    Very very cool. Quality firm (there are issues though). I'd like to read the complaint. Wish other cities and counties, or even the state itself had the IQ and nutsack to join in.
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    Going to my family doctor for Insomia tomorrow

    Thanks for the tip man! Do you have a suggestion for a vape? I've got stacks of various different grams here to try out, but I really don't like smoking... I've been meaning to pick up a vape, but the market is so fucked. The prices are ridiculously high on one end, and on the other end, the...
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    Ac/dc clone wanted, 22-1 cbd-thc

    Is cbd even available to the body like that?
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    Canopy thickness for Blackstar Chrome 270w

    No, can't upload. The space is 2x4. The Chrome that I have leaves the edges of that 4 foot dimension pretty shaded. I was using cfl's on the sides to fill in that area. I think to make the most out of your chrome, you've really got to control the shape of your plant. I think the right...
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    CBD: The Truth Be Told

    It does! I'm going to start looking at more of these test reports, this report does seem to suggest some type of relationship between cbd and cbn. Not suggesting that cbd is some type of precursor to cbn, but that there is some type of negative correlation between cbd and cbn. Only 1 of these...
  10. R

    CBD: The Truth Be Told

    Yo, is this variability because of individual phenos or can some of it be attributed to differences in how individual plants are treated within the grow? Also, remedial lab report question, what is the difference between the first set of columns and the second set? Seems like there is less thc...
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    Going to my family doctor for Insomia tomorrow

    Yeah man, am growing my first crop. When the LA city council voted to shut down the dispensaries, I said, "fuck this, I'm not going to let some douche bag that doesn't represent the will of the people determine weather I can be healthy or not," and started growing. Not sure if these genetics...
  12. R

    Canopy thickness for Blackstar Chrome 270w

    Was it a chrome, btw?
  13. R

    Canopy thickness for Blackstar Chrome 270w

    Damn phone... My indoor plant under the Blackstar is crazy, bigger with way more trichomes, looks like the sugar fairy visited. Far more than my out door plants. My out door plants do have better nugs lower down the plant.
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    Canopy thickness for Blackstar Chrome 270w

    Early flower stretch absolutely fucked me. First grow so really didn't know what to expect... My
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    CBD: The Truth Be Told

    In flower form :-P
  16. R

    On the frontier of medical pot to treat boy's epilepsy

    Topamax sucks it. Put me in the hospital.
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    On the frontier of medical pot to treat boy's epilepsy

    Look at the same people's profiteering off of people's true and profound suffering all around the world and the answer becomes apparent.
  18. R

    Going to my family doctor for Insomia tomorrow

    One of the things I use mj for is insomnia. I've tried many different strains, but found some particular indica pills that had like zero psychoactive effect, and knocked me the fuck out, with no hangover the next day. Found them at a dispensary in San Jo called South Bay CRC. They stopped...