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  1. B


    If you follow GH's new schedule in the "Drain to waste" expert section, the expected PPM's are between 600-800 ppm for almost every week of the program. This is based on using the nutes at full strength with RO water. I do use RO and in fact the PPM's land in the range GH lays out. IS this too...
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    PLEASE DONT IGNORE!! Need questions answered

    If the run off I measured on the 4 plants ranged from 210ppm to 420ppm, do I need to do a flush?? I use plain water every other watering. RO water with a ppm of 0.0. I am confused now. I will post pics soon
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    PLEASE DONT IGNORE!! Need questions answered

    I must be running low. The highest PPM my feed has been at is 1260ppm. 3 Tbs per gallon 15ml/gallon. That is alot more than I use. Maybe I am just super deficient
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    PLEASE DONT IGNORE!! Need questions answered

    What should The PPM of the runoff measure??? The water I put in was at 0 ppm. The numbers above are what came out? The highest PPM was the worst of the bunch, by far the most yellow
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    PLEASE DONT IGNORE!! Need questions answered

    Strain - UBC Kush GH Floranova series, Pro Mix with Dolomite lime mixed at 3 cups per bale koolbloom, GO roots, Flora Nectar, RO water to 0ppm Temps 66-80 RH 35% to 60% night Day 30 of flower. The plants flowered beautifully. Showing at 10 days, they were perfect. Now they are yellowing...
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    Need help Understanding PH?

    I just want some clarification. PH of the nutrient solution versus the PH of the medium. Currently I am using Sunshine Mix #4. Additives are Dolomite Lime and some bacteria. I do use well water. PPM sits at 200. In my area calcium and mag are in the water. I use FloraNova by GH as my base. So my...
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    I messed up big time!!!!

    Distilled water Ok to use?
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    I messed up big time!!!!

    Hey everyone. Bad day just got much worse. Two days ago I sprayed my PK with Azamax. A very potent bug spray. Problem with Thrips. I didn't post pictures because I hurt my girls very badly. The concentration I am using call for a mix of 1oz per gallon. Well, its not the first time I have done...
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    Nutrient mixing for soil

    Always add Micro first then wait a few minutes.
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    Trying to keep things Simple. Kushie Kush??? Sweet??

    Currently I am in the transition phase. I am not new to this but I am having a tough time trying to decide what to use with my base nutes. Am I doubling up if I use the following together. Base- FloraNova Grow/Bloom GH Bio Root Botanicare Sweet Kushie Kush Humic/Fulvic Acids bi weekly...
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    Old nutrients!!!

    My plants appear to be showing several deficiencies. They are mothers that have been growing in a vegetative state for about 10 weeks. The Advanced nutes I am using have been sitting for a long time maybe a year or longer. Could these nutes go bad???
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    Lowryder 2 Grow, plant leaves are rapidly dying!

    Is that a type of Kush??
  13. B

    Need Expert Opinions!!! Please LOOK!!

    2 or 3 cups per bale of Pro Mix. The soil u mention is not in Canada. They have had plenty of success with Pro Mix in the past. As for keeping mothers happy for a long time this is new to them. That is NOT burn from Foliar feeding is does look like it, but I can assure it is not. AS for B1...
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    Need Expert Opinions!!! Please LOOK!!

    These are 2 leaves from 2 different rooms. This is a problem that has been spreading slowly throughout the room. I have no idea what it is, but we have guesses at PH flucuation and maybe a deficiency of some kind. Pro Mix with Dolomite Lime Advanced Nutes-3 part Grow, Micro, Bloom mother...
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    Take a look a this???

    Hi everyone, I need a hand today?? The problem that is showing in the pics has been getting progressively worse. The yellowing appears to start in the middle of the leaf and moves outward until the leaf is completely yellow. Most leaves are in the middle to lower half of the plant. Some leaves...
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    My Mothers have completely yellow Leaves!!!

    Hello All, Its been a while since I have been here, it really is an awesome site. Currently I am working with Purple Kush mother plants. I have 10 moms that are older and quite large. They have been producing quality clones for some time. Lately I have began to some of the leaves turning...
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    Purple Kush 25 days flower leaf problem

    With PK , do a feed flush feed. They are very finnicky. Looks like a minor problem give them a good flush and keep and eye on the problem
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    Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

    Can you put a schedule together so if we want to put these hormones into action we can do so in an easy to understand formula. Maybe a list of quality products that are available?
  19. B

    7 weeks in flower, whats wrong? (PICS)

    Sure is bro, the plant is using the nutrients it has stored in the leaves. At first glance the plant looks very normal to me. Plants in late flowering will become Nitrogen deficient as the pics show. For the lights you are using it looks like decent bud!
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    Bud problem, they just never developed

    Thanks Trap, I have no light leaks that I can see. I use 1000 watt HPS. I have a ton of quality light. I thought of N toxicity as well but since I am light feeder in general, I ruled that out as well. So I dunno, but I appreciate your help. BC